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STATEMENT of ADVANCES of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on 31st March, 1886, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.

9—B. 6.


Colonial. Foreign. Total. Irdinary Revenue Account, — Civil List,— Native Purposes Class I.—Legislative,— Vote 1—Legislative Class II.—Colonial Secretary,— Vote 5—Electoral „ 7—Registrar-General „ 8—Geological, &c „ 11—Lunatic Asylums „ 13—Stock Branch Class III. —Colonial Treasurer, — Vote 18—Miscellaneous Class IV.—Minister of Justice, — Vote 22 —Supreme Courts „ 24 —District and Resident Magistrates' Courts „ 25 —Criminal Prosecutions .. „ 27—Prisons „ 28—Miscellaneous Class VI.—Commissioner of Trade and Customs, — Vote 36—Customs „ 37—Marine „ 38—Miscellaneous Class VII. —Commissioner of Stamps,— Vote 39 —Stamp Department „ 40—Land and Deeds Class VIII. —Minister of Education, — Vote 44—Native Schools Class X.—Minister of Mines, — Vote 52 —Mines Department „ 53—Miscellaneous Class XL —Minister for Public Works, — Vote 54—Working Railways „ 56—Public Buildings Class XII.—Minister of Defence, — Vote 59 —Volunteers „ 61—Police „ 62—Field Force .. „ 63—Miscellaneous Pensions Account Imperial Government Government of Madras Mauritius Jamaica General Imprest Silver Coin Account Unauthorized, — Services not prcwided for In Excess of Appropriations, — Class II.'—Colonial Secretary,— Vote 6—Audit Office „ 10—Charitable „ 12—Printing, &c. „ 14—Miscellaneous Class III.—Colonial Treasurer, — Vote 16—Property-tax Class IV.—Minister of Justice, — Vote 23—Bankruptcy Class V. —Postmaster-General, — Vote 31—Maintenance, &c. .. „ 33—Conveyance of Mails by Sea Class IX.-—Minister of Native Affairs, — Vote 49 —Native Department „ 50 —Native Lana Court Class XII.—Minister of Defence, — Vote 60 —Stores ana Magazines „ 61—Police „ 63—Miscellaneous £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 150 0 0 150 0 0 84 0 0 84 0 0 8 14 9 3 9 2 41 5 3 59 19 6 827 19 7 8 14 9 3 9 2 41 5 3 59 19 6 827 19 7 359 2 9 359 2 9 42 6 6 38 18 2 161 3 0 53 0 1 150 0 0 42 6 6 38 18 2 161 3 0 53 0 1 150 0 0 129 1 9 23 13 7 75 0 0 1,073* 7 6 129 1 9 1,097 1 1 75 0 0 326*15 9 71 7 11 71 7 11 326 15 9 50 0 0 50 0 0 66 1 2 1,195 11 1 891 10 0 66 1 2 1,587 1 7 1,534 4 8 3,823 19 9 400 0 0 5,358 4 5 400 0 0 92 15 0 623 12 4 153 13 3 5,649 7 2 91 14 11 540 0 0 636 6 10 5,742 2 2 715 7 3 693 13 3 636 6 10 98 7 11 267 2 6 5 5 0 105 7 1 26 15 6 19,451 3 7 75 0 0 98 7 11 267 2 6 5 5 0 105 7 1 26 15 6 19,451' 3 7 75* 0 0 99 2 2 99 2 2 81 14 2 115 13 8 81 14 2 115 13 8 2,423 13 10 119 0 11 2,423*13 10 119 0 11 21 17 0 21 17 0 372 4 2 372 4 2 599 5 5 225 5 0 88 3 8 687 9 1 225 5 0 40 14 6 882 5 2 40 14 6 882 5 2 4 19 9 607 14 11 4 19 9 007 14 11 1,586 3 2 1,580* 3 2 iand" Fund Account, — Class XIII.—Minister of Lands, — Vote 04—Crown Lands .. „ 05—Expenses, Thermal Springs „ 60—Crown Lands, Miscellaneous Uuauthorizea, — In Excess of Appropriation,— Class XIII. —Minister of Lanas, — Vote 68—Survey 9,914 2 2 30,310 18 10 40,225 1 0 13 1 4 787 10 4 118 17 11 13 1 4 787 10 4 118 17 11 4,041 12 3 111 14 8 4,153 6 11 v 4,961 7 10 111 14 8 5,073 2 0 Carriea forwara 14,875 10 0 30,422 13 6 51,298 3 6