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£ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 14,017 33 0 Brought forward CLASS X.—MINISTER OF MINES— continued. Vote No. 53—Miscellaneous Services— continued. To give effect to recommendations of the Goldfields Committee, — Item 20 —W. Agnew Item 21 —Hone Werahiko, reward for gold discovery Item 22—J. O'Brien, compensation Item 23—E. Peters, gratuity on £1 for £1 being raised .. Item 24—Costello v. Croninville miners, half taxed costs.. Item 25—Aids to prospecting and rewards for mineral discoveries Item 20—Contingencies,— Travelling expenses Rent of offices Advertising and subscriptions Services as Warden's Agent Extra clerical assistance, &c Wages Lithographing drawings Preparing plans Deep Lead Prospecting Company, Mount Ida Model of crushing machine Miscellaneous 50 0 0 350 0 0 220 0 0 50 0 0 701 4 3 28 0 0 143 8 8 24 0 0 221 8 10 .1.04 16 0 257 2 3 io o o 50 0 0 50 0 0 191 5 2 070 0 0 839 2 G Less amount recovered for advertising 1,841 5 2 81 12 0 1,759 13 2 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 53 £16,786 8 8 CLASS XL—MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS :— Vote No. 57 —Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Repairing roads, Auckland, and expenses collecting tollsWages Road metal and cartage Grants in aid Miscellaneous 6R0 1 2 947 1 4 100 0 0 97 12 3 Item 2—Expenses of collecting tolls, Manawatu Gorge,— Salary of the collector of tolls, 1 April, 1885, to 31 March, 1880 Item 3—Roads, Manchester Block Item 4—Akaroa road diversions Item 5 —Wages of " unemployed " Item 6—Ferryman, Port Waikato, — Ferry service for year 1885-86 1,824 14 9 132 0 0 726 15 G 15 0 0 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 57 £2,698 10 3 CLASS XII.—MINISTER OF DEFENCE :— Vote No. 63—Miscellaneous Services :— Item 1—Pension to Sirs. Elizabeth Ford, 1 April, 1885, to 31 March, 1886 -Item 2—Pension of late F. G. Rawson continued to his widow, 1 April, 1885, to 31 March, 1880 Item 3—Pension of late William Oliver, continued to his widow Item 4—Pension to Mrs. Cook, 1 April, 1885, to 31 December, 1885 Item 5—Pensions to recipients of Now Zealand Cross Item 6 —Pension to Dr. A. F. Leggatt, 174 months Item 7 —Compensation to W. Garratt Item 8 —Compensation to Acting Sub-Inspector Minnitt for loss of office Item 9—Compassionate allowance of one year's pay to widow of Sergeant Neville Item 10—Reward for arrest of Gerald FitzGerald charged with murder Item 11—Special allowance to Constable Packer for serious permanent injuries received in the service Item 12—Special allowance to Sergeant McGuire for injury received in the public service Item 13—Rewards for conviction in sly grog cases Item 14—Repairs, &c, to military graveyards Item 15 —Compensation -to Mr. Joseph Busch for injury received while effecting the arrest of an escaped lunatic .. Item 10—Cost of provisions taken over from the contractor at Taupo .. .. .. .. Item 17 —Retiring allowance to Sergeant-Major P. Haslam io 0 45 0 0 19 10 0 170 0 0 39 0 0 39 10 10 52 0 0 220 0 0 74 18 6 150 0 0 355 7 10 223 6 0 Total Not Expenditure, Vote No. 03 £1,434 13 2