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£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1G.587 19 0 Brought forward CLASS II.—COLONIAL SECRETARY— continued. Vote No. 14—Miscellaneous — continued. Item 12—H. N. Brewer, addition to Pension, 1 April, 18S5, to 31 March, 1886 Item 13—Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 — Fees, &c Item 14—Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880, — Salaries Miscellaneous 25 0 0 1.1 3 6 325 0 0 150 10 0 475 10 0 Item 15—Expenses of printing " Transactions of New Zealand Institute " Item 10—Expenses of West Coast Royal Commission, — T. Mackay, allowance and expenses Clerical assistance 10 9 10 IS 9 2 500 0 0 23 19 0 Item 17 —Wellington Patent Slip Company, guarantee of interest to 31 March, 1880 Item 18—Rent of Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, 1 year to 1 November, 1885 Item 19—Compilation of Maori History, 1 July, 1885, to 28 February, 1886 Item 20—Encouragement of local industries, — Salary of W. P. Vaux, 12 June, 1885, to 31 March, 1886 .. Freight, &c, on boxes of ironsand shipped to Englana .. Refuna of Customs duty paid on silver medals imported by Taranaki Agricultural Society Advertising Bonus for manufacture of blasting-powder Payment on account of fish and fisheries pamphlet *7 125 10 0 4 4 8 2,450 0 0 20 15 0 218 8 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 72 7 10 30 0 0 Item 21—Work done by Survey Department Item 22—Fees on Crown grants issued under "The West Coast Settlements Act, 1880 " Item 23—United Fire Brigade Association, grant in aid of annual demonstration Item 24— Contribution towards expenses of protectorate over portion of New Guinea Item 25—Preparation of old Hansard, — Compiling and extra clerical assistance Miscellaneous Item 20 —Salmon Ova, — Cost of ova and expenses of procuring Fittings and materials on board ship 239 8 6 499 8 7 58 5 0 250 0 0 2,068 18 9 324 0 0 2 9 0 326 9 0 253 14 4 91 0 0 345 0 4 350 0 0 Item 27—Purchases of land for Nelson Hospital Item 28—Grant in aid to Royal Humane Society of Australasia Item 29—Drafting Bills Item 30 —Contribution towards cost of a clock, Port Chalmers 50 0 0 145 0 0 100 0 0 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 14 £25,345 4 8 CLASS III.—COLONIAL TREASURER:— Vote No. 18—Miscellaneous :— Item 1—Audit of County and Road Board Accounts, — Salaries Travelling expenses Miscellaneous 2,314 10 0 384 0 11 37 14 8 Item 2—Salary of Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Fund, 1 April, 1885, to 31 March, 1880 .. Item 3—Expenses of investment of Sinking Fund, under "The Consolidated Loan Act, 1807," — Commission at 4 per cent, on redemption of £149,800', 5-per-cent. Consols Notarial charges Printing and advertising Miscellaneous 2,730 5 7 50 0 0 749 0 0 13 13 0 23 14 0 0 9 0 786 16 0 Item 4—Exchange and commission on remittances and payments of dividends, — Commission on remittances by post and telegraph in the colony Commission on payment of interest, — Bank of New Zealand Union Bank of Australia Crown Agents 3,784 3 0 39 8 8 124 1 6 1,711 17 2 1,875 7 4 Carried forward 5,659 10 4 3,573 1 7