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13. Your Committee recommend that steps be taken during the recess to obtain the necessary information for the completion of the annexed return relating to the procedure of Legislatures in other countries. EUGENE O'CONOE, Wellington, 3rd August, 1886. Chairman.

MINUTES OF PBOCEEDINGS. Friday, 11th June, 1886. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Levestam, Mr. O'Conor, Hon. Sir E. Stout, Mr. T. Thompson. On the motion of the Hon. Sir E. Stout, Mr. O'Conor took the chair. On the motion of the Hon. Sir E. Stout, Besolved, That the following returns be obtained: (1.) Cost of the various Legislative Departments in the Australasian Colonies. (2.) The number of days and hours of sitting of both branches of the Legislature. (3.) The cost of printing Hansard, &c, and books of Appendices, &c, together with number of pages of each. (4.) Number of members,, and payment to each. (5.) Number of Ministers, and payment to each. (6.) Cost of Hansard reporting. (7.) Number of population.

Friday, 18th June, 1886. Present: Mr. O'Conor (Chairman), Mr. Barron, Mr. Brown, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Garrick,. Hon. Sir E. Stout, Mr. T. Thompson. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Committee having examined the returns laid before them, On the motion of the Hon. Sir E. Stout, Besolved, That the following further information be obtained—viz.: (1.) The salaries of, and bonus given, in full, for all purposes, to Speakers, Chairmen of Committees, Clerks, and messengers in the various colonies. (2.) The number of clerks, permanent and occasional, also messengers, and time of their service. (3.) And particular returns as to salaries, &c, of all officers in the Legislative Department of New Zealand. On the motion of Mr. Garrick, Besolved, That the Chairman of the Committee do move in the House that the Legislative Council be requested to give permission to the Hon. Mr. Eeynolds, the Hon. Captain Baillie, and the Clerk of the Legislative Council to attend the Committee, and give evidence. Besolved, That the following papers be printed: Eeturns showing legislative expenditure in various colonies; also, extract from Mr. Joseph Cowen's book, showing sittings of Parliament in. Europe and the United States. The Committee adjourned until Monday, the 21st June, at 11.30 a.m.

Monday, 21st June, 1886. Present: Mr. O'Conor (Chairman), Mr. Barron, Mr. Brown, Mr. Garrick, Mr. T. Thompson. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman having read a letter from the Hon. Mr. Eeynolds, containing information and suggestions, and excusing his attendance, on the motion of Mr. Brown the same was received. Mr. A. T. Bothamley, Acting-Clerk of the Legislative Council, attended, and was examined by the Chairman, and declined to give evidence in regard to himself or other officers of the Legislative Council. The returns and tables prepared by order of the Committee having been examined, On the motion of Mr. Barron, it was Besolved : That the Chairman be requested to report to , the House that the Acting-Clerk of the Legislative Council has attended the Committee, but has refused to give evidence beyond what appears on the estimates, on the ground that he has received no instructions from the Legislative Council to do so; and to ask the House to pass such resolution as may enable the Committee to obtain full information from any person under examination. The Committee then adjourned until Friday, the 25th June, at 11.30 a.m.

Friday, 25th June, 1886. Present: Mr. O'Conor (Chairman), Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Garrick, Mr. T. Thompson. Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. The Hon. Mr. Eeynolds attended and gave evidence, and read a statement referring to legislative expenditure. The Committee then adjourned until Monday, the 28th June, at 10.30 a.m.

Monday, 28th June, 1886. Present: Mr. O'Conor (Chairman), Mr. Brown, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Levestam, Hon. Sir B. Stout, Mr. T. Thompson. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Hon. Captain Baillie attended, and was examined. The Committee then adjourned until Wednesday, the 30th June, at 10.30 a.m.