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No. 335.—Petition of Joseph Ward and Others. The petitioner, the Chairman of the Wairau Eoad Board, prays that certain subsidies due to said Board under " The Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act, 1885," may be paid, free of any illegal deductions for hospital building purposes. I am directed to report that, as the subsidies mentioned by the petitioner have already been paid, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 23rd July, 1886.

No. 334. —Petition of Joseph Ward. The petitioner, the Chairman of the District Board of Wairau under " The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885," states that the Board is entitled to have paid to it certain subsidies out of the Consolidated Fund in proportion to moneys collected by it from other sources; that a hospital is now being erected in the Board's district on a site to which the Board objects, and has therefore informed the Government that it declines to find any money towards the said building ; that the Board has now been informed that in no case will the Government pay anything toward the maintenance of patients in the present hospital after the 30th September next. The petitioner prays that steps may be taken to prevent the threatened stoppage of payments. I am directed to report that the Committee consider the Government _ are perfectly justified in the action they have taken, and cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 23rd July, 1886.

No. 354. —Petition of Charles Eogers. The petitioner states that he was the proprietor of a store at Te Wairoa, and, owing to the volcanic eruption, has lost almost everything; that the store and stock together was worth £430; that he was only able to save twenty-five pounds' worth of goods, which cost him nearly that amount to save. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony, but that the petition should be referred to the Government in order that they may consider whether or not he is entitled to participate in any sum which may be voted by the House for the relief of the sufferers by the recent calamity. 23rd July, 1886.

No. 339.—Petition of Eliza J. Hargreaves. The petitioner states that her husband was employed for about fourteen years on the New Zealand railways; that he died suddenly of heart-disease, leaving her in very poor circumstances. She prays for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 23rd July, 1886.

No. 365.—Petition of John Shearer, of Auckland. The petitioner states that he discovered the " Shearer Bock," assisted in surveying the coast up to the North Cape, and gave the authorities reliable and valuable information re harbours, anchorages, currents, shelters, &c, on the coast. He prays for some consideration on account of these_ services. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 23rd July, 1886.

No. 372.—Petition of A. McDonald and Others (No. 1). The petitioners, settlers in the County of Cook, pray that the House will set apart a sufficient sum of money to construct a line of light railway part of the way from Gisborne to Opotiki. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th July, 1886.

No. 373.—Petition of A. McDonald and Others (No. 2). The petitioners, settlers in the counties of Cook and Wairoa, pray that the House will set apart a sufficient sum of money to construct a permanent dray-road to connect the towns of Napier and Gisborne and the country south of the East Cape, in order to induce settlement of the large area of Crown and Native lands now lying waste. _ _ I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th July, 1886.

No. 251.—Petition of G. W. Gane, of Eahotu. The petitioner states that on the 31st January, 1885, he purchased at auction from the Taranaki County Council the right to collect the dog-registration fee for 1885 over the greater portion of the County of Taranaki, including the Parihaka District, for the sum of £155, the said fee being fixed at 5s per head ; that on the 30th July the latter district was proclaimed to be excluded from the operation of " The Dog Eegistration Act, 1880 ;" that Parihaka District contains about fifteen hundred dogs, and petitioner would have made at least £100 after paying all expenses; that