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principally by the intermittent use of the boiler, possibly working only two days in the week, the rest of the time standing full of water. To counteract the effects of this, soda-ash (caustic soda), and in some cases lime, has been used with good results. In the table of notices of repairs, the item double-furnace Cornish-tubular is due entirely to wear and tear; these boilers having been in use for the last twenty years or more, but at a low pressure (16), the engines being condensing. In the table of notices to remove dangerous parts of machinery: In one case I found, in the upper part of a circular breaking-down bench, a fracture in the centre in a T-shape extending 12in. in length; in another case a saw had been removed, which was shown me, where the centre had come entirely out, and which could not be seen until the washer was removea. There were only six cases requiring fencing, and the notices given were all verbal. The number of boilers reported to me as being sold, that is, those which have already been in use, was 26. New boilers imported, portable, 21; ditto, vertical, 4; second-hand imported return tubular, 4; locally made, 12 : total, 41. The total number of inspections made auring the year was 505 ; of these, 81 were made by Mr. Blackwood in the northern part of the district. In conclusion I may state that there are still a number of boilers remaining to be inspected, but which, with the additional assistance now granted, will be taken up during the year, as there are a number of widely-scattered inspections, which will necessarily take some time to get into regular form. I have, &c, The Chief Inspector of Machinery, Wellington. Alexander Ceawfobd.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1886.

Return of Fees payable for the Inspection of Boiless and Machineey in the Otago District auring the Financial Year enaea the 31st March, 1886.

Return of Machineey inspected in the Otago District auring the Financial Year enaea the 31st March, 1886.

um ier o: 'ori ioil .ers. um! ier o: ;ionary ioil ers. Name of District. 5 h.p. and 5 to 10 Over 10 under. h.p. h.p. 5 h.p. and 5 to 10 Over 10 under. h.p. h.p. Total. itago 27 156 13 132 I 56 121 505

Name of District, &c. Fees payable in respect of Boilers. Fees payable in respect of Machinery. I Total. >tagO— Portable Stationary £ 330 524 s. d. 0 0 0 0 £ 8. d. ) J £ 854 s. d. 0 0

Description of Machinery. Steam Steam. and Water. Description of Machinery. Steam. Steam and Water. Aerated water Agricultural-implement shops Bakeries Boiling-down ... Bone-mills Brick and tile works Breweries Cabinet-making Cement works Chaff-cutting ... Chemical works Chicory works Cooking Collieries 1 8 3 7 5 6 10 5 1 16 2 1 2 6 4 Copper and brass works Coffee and spice works ConfectioneryCranes Dairy factories Dredges, harbour Dye works ... Engine-shops Engine-shops and foundries Foundries Fellmongeries Flour-mills ... Flock-mills ... Fish-preserving Fire-grate and range works 3 2 3 15 3 4 1 4 5 5 5 10 2 1 4 7 Corn-crushers