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Lifts and hoists continue to be examined as far as the Inspectors' time will allow, and safetycatches are being fitted to nearly all now at work. I also attach a table showing the number of boilers inspected and the amount of fees payable during the year. I have, &c, J. Nancaeeow, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Machinery.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1886.

The Inspectoe of Machinery, Auckland District, to the Chief Inspector of Machineey. Sir,— Auckland, 7th April, 1886. I have the honour to forward you my annual report on the boilers and machinery inspected by me in the Auckland District for the year ended the Sltst March, 1886. lam glad that there are no accidents with boilers to report. Thirty-seven have been repaired, 20 changed owners, 13 let out on hire, 5 granted extended certificates ; 21 new ones have been brought into use, 11 of which were imported from Great Britain, and 10 manufactured in this colony : making a total of 471 workable boilers in this district, 345 of which have been inspected. Seventy-seven are laid up, due to depression of trade and other causes, and 49 remained uninspected at the end of the year. I regret having accidents with machinery to report, one of which terminated fatally. The appended returns give the number and description of the boilers and machinery inspected, fees payable, defects found in boilers, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery, and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Chief Inspector of Machinery. W. J. Jobson.

Return showing the Number and Description of the Boilers inspected, and Fees payable.

4—H. 24.

'um >er o. 'orl ioi. lers. um ier ;iona: ioi. lors. Name of Distr Name of District. rict. net. Under 5 to 10 5 h.p. h.p. Over 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Boilers. Fees. OtagO Canterbury Auckland ... Wellington Marlborougli Taranald ... Nelson North Nelson South Westland ... Hawke's Bay 27 156 13 i 141 16 41 7 36 1 6 4 2 19 ::: I 6 36 13 3 27 22 1 6 6 2 6 132 112 95 23 7 8 17 3 16 17 56 42 30 27 4 11 17 121 54 136 62 14 12 11 7 11 24 505 365 345 177 33 36 72 11 37 103 £ 854 615 625 395 65 86 142 19 63 192 4 14 Totals 72 444 86 425 205 452 684 3,056

urn ier. Xature of Boiler. Pees. Remarks. Under 5 to 10 Over 10 5 h.p. h.p. h.p. £ s. d. 'ortable boilers >.. itationary boilers ... jocomotive boilers Portable boilers Itationary boilers... jocomotive boilers 3 14 92 2 3 2 37 28 1 6) 87 2 J 18) 49 l) 175 444 0 0 0 0 Employed at 35 establishments ; fees at £5 each. Charged for at per horsepower of each boiler. 6 0 0 Machinery inspections, 6 at £1 each Total fees for year ... 111 71 163 625 0 0