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Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1886.


Name of Vessel. m HorseBetter. |°™£ Nature oi Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Eemarks. Akaroa Alexandra Antrim Arawata Argyle .. Awarua Awhina .. Balclutha Beautiful Star .. Bee Bella Birkenliead Blanche Black Diamond .. Boojum Britannia Calliope Canterbury Charles Edward .. City of Cork Clansman Coromandel Delta .. Devonport Dispatch Douglas Durham Effort Elsie Enterprise Erin Fairy Fairy Fingal Fly Gairloeh Glenelg Go-Ahead Gordon Grafton Hannah Mokau .. Hauraki Hauroto Hawea Heathcote Herald .. Hokianga Huia Ida Ino Invereargill Iona Iona Iron Age Isabel Jane Janet Nicoll Jane Douglas Jane Williams Kakanui Katikati Kawatiri Kennedy Kina Kiwi Kopuru Koputai Koranui Kotuku La Buona "Ventura Lady Barkly Lalla Eookh Lara Lilio Lily Little George Lyttelton Lyttelton Lyttelton Macgregor Maliinapua Mahinapua Manapouri Manawatu Manukau Maitai Matau Maori 43 73 35 623 129 100 5 84 146 28 30 30 300 40 80 50 50 30 2 12 1C 9 20 12 40 7 24 60 46 98 25 30 12 40 30 30 12 8 32 4 15 4 13 3 85 75 45 30 123 15 18 253 100 35 85 7 25 10 20 50 45 65 30 8 8 90 20 15 22 8 70 50 15 30 20 120 80 40 4 18 15 7 10 10 4 14 25 80 60 80 10 300 40 15 55 40 8 Compound Non-eondensing ScrewPaddle Extended river Eiver Compound Screw Sea-going *■ * " Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing Paddle Screw Stern-wheel .. Screw River Sea-going River Extended river Eiver Extended river Eiver Extended river Eiver Tug. Now tug. 12 55 8 9 14 108 11 Launch. Compound Non-condensing Paddle ! '. Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Twin-screw New vessel. Launch. 140 42 336 67 CO . 24 38 55 53 13 Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Extended river Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Extended river Eiver New vessel. Non-condensing Paddle . '. Condensing Sea-going Tug. Screw Compound Eiver Launch. 61 Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Extended river "32 22 Non-condensing Condensing Non-eondensing Compound Eiver Extended river Eiver Extended river Eiver 8ea-going * 187 156 129 Twin-screw Screw New vessel. 242 35 59 1,276 462 94 356 Twin-screw Screw Eiver Sea-going Extended river Sea-going New launch. it '' » • • Eiver Sea-going Eiver Sea-going Eiver Extended river Sea-going Eiver Sea-going Eiver Hopper barge. 90 12 32 123 61 159 30 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Launch. Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Wrecked. New vessel. Stern-wheel .. Screw Paddle Screw New launch. 25 496 75 33 57 27 286 138 39 132 28 5 301 41 4 39 44 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Compound u • • Twin-screw Screw Sea-going Eiver Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Eiver Sea-going Eiver Sea-going New vessel. Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Three screws .. Screw Tug. Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Extended river Eiver Sea-going River Eiver Kiver Launch. 10 20 ir Paddle Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Paddle Launch. Launch. H 6 86 89 163 205 If • Condensing Compound Screw Twin-screw Stern-wheel .. Screw Extended river Sea-going Tug. 1,020 112 45 163 50 17 Non-condensing Compound. River Sea-going Launch. Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Stern-wheel .. Screw Eiver Sea-going Eiver Extended river New vessel.