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nSTBBFa abjectis armis collis aut noctis quae jam aderat auxilio integri abeunt. Elephanti quatuor capti, reliqui omnes numero quadraginta interfecti. 7. Write the ordinals, distributives, and numeral adverbs of quatuor and quadraginta ; also of IX., XIX., and XXIX. 8. What cases may be represented by the infinitive of a verb ? Give examples. GREEK. 1. Translate — "Os ifrdro, fiMotfWtv 8c 6ca XevKwXtvo*; Rprj, MeiSijcrao-a 8. 7. aiSos -B.£a.To x^V 1- KvireXXov. Avrdp 6 TOIS dXXourL #eo._ ei__£ia rrdcTiv Oivovoll, yXvKv veKrap dirb KprjTrjpOS d<f>vir<Tu>v. "AtrfiaTTos S'dp' tlfStpro y.A.o)_ paicdparaL Beolo-iv, 'fi_ t'Sc; HtpaUTTOV Bia ftdipara Tronrvvovra. "12. \yft piv rrporrav r/pap c. rjiXlOV KaraSvvra Aaivvvr, 0.8. Tt dvpbs iSevero BaiT os ei'cnj., O. pkv <f>6ppiyyos 9rCOIKaAA,€O?, rjv e^' AttoXXwv, M.ovudo>v 6\ dl ueiSoi/ djiafSbpevai mi KaXfj. 2. Decline rrdo-iv, yXvKv, <^op/_fyyos, rjv. 3. Give the Greek cardinal numbers from one to twenty. 4. Write out the present indicative active of riOr/pi, the imperfect indicative of dpi, the first aorist indicative passive of tvtttu), and the first aorist indicative middle of tvwtui. Give also the first and the second aorist participles active of rurrro). 5. Translate — To Se (rvpirav SrjXos rjv Kvpo. cnrevSoiv rrdrrav rrjv oobv Kal ov tyiarpiftaiv brrov py) irrunTurpLov eveKa rj Ttvo. dXXov dvayKaiov _Kc_9_£e.o, vopiQoiv, oo"w p\v dv Odrrov eXOoi, Torroura) d—apao-Kevao-Toripuy /3a<riXei pavtl<r6ai, o<™ 8. tr\oXaioT^pov, toctovtw ttX&ov o-vvayelpecrdai ftaaiXa. crrpdrevpa. Kat <rvviseiv 8' rjv rw Trpocr£)(OVTi rbv vovv rj /3a<nXiws apxf] wXrjdci piv Kal dvdpd>-n-u>v la^vpa ovcra, toTs 8. prJKetri t£>v bSmv Kal tw ftivnrdcrdai ra. Owdp.€K dcrDcvrjs, c" ns Sia ra\ew rbv rrbXepov iroioiro. 6. Give the syntax of 68oV, dvayKaiov, Trpo(Te)(oVTi, OVVdptls, ctcr_?cj'ijs. 7. How far does the last sentence in this extract agree with statements in other parts of the book ? FRENCH. 1. Translate — Un jour Canut le Grand, roi d'Angleterre, etait sax le bord de la mer avec toute sa cour. Ses courtisans I'exaltaient comme le plus grand dcs monarques, et Vappclaicnt le maitre de la terre et de la mer. Canut saisit cette occasion pour confondre ses fiatteurs et leur prouver qu'il n'etait pas le dupe de leurs sots discours. II s'assit sur la plage. La mer montait; il lvi commanda de s'arreter et de respecter le souverain de l'Angleterre. La mer montait toujours, et vint mouiller les pieds dv monarque, gui fut oblige de se retirer. Alors Canut, se tournant vers ceux gui l'entouraient, leur dit: "Vous voycz la faiblesse dcs rois de la terre; apprcnez que la puissance dcs princes est bien peu de chose, et qu'il ny a d'autre maitre que Dieu gui gouverne l'univers." 2. Write the third person singular of the present indicative of the verbs in italics in the above passage. 3. Name the prepositions which must be repeated before the words they govern. What mood do they respectively govern'? 4. The following words have each more than one gender: give their meanings according to gender: aigle, memoire, mode, personne, souris, tour, voile, somme. 5. Translate into French: (a) You do nothing but complain; (b) You have only just complained ; (c) The shoe hurts my foot; (d) That house is larger than I thought it was. 6. Give the English for— (a) II m'importe peu ; (b) A l'abri dv danger; (c) L'un chez l'autre; (d) Le long de l'eau. 7. Write a letter in French to a friend : choose your own subject. TRIGONOMETRY. r 1. Prove TaniA Tan^B TaniC =-, r being the radius of the inscribed circle, and . half the perimeter. 2. Prove — Sinls°=-i r v/(2-v/3). ' Sin 75 0 = iv/(2-|-v/3). Tan 16°=2-^3. Tan 75°= 2+a/3. 3. Given the base of a plane triangle, one of the angles at the base, and the sum of the other sides, to resolve the triangle. 4. Express the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc which is equal in length to the radius, and show that it is an invariable angle. 5. The circular measure of the difference of the two acute angles of a right-angled triangle is rg: express the two angles in degrees. MS