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Civil Service Examination Papers, April, 1886, J TJ IST I O _B. ENGLISH. 1. Write the passage dictated to you. 2. Define the terms accidence, analysis, illative, adversative, co-ordinate, parsing. 3. Form a sentence with a direct and an indirect object, and extensions of the predicate in time, manner, and place. 4. Explain, with examples, voice, mood, tense, person, and number of a verb. 5. Analyse : " Even when the sun of her glory had set there was yet left behind an immortal spark of the ancient vitality, which, enduring through all vicissitudes, kindled into a blaze after two thousand years." 6. Write as full an account as you can of the event in connection with which the passage dictated to you was written. [Style of composition will be more considered than absolute accuracy of facts stated.] ENGLISH. Passage for Dictation. The thoughts and feelings of Columbus at the sight of land must have been tumultuous and intense. At length, in spite of every difficulty and danger, he had accomplished his object. The great mystery of the ocean was revealed ; his theory, which had been the scoff of sages, was triumphantly established ; he had secured to himself a glory which must be as durable as the world. It is difficult even for the imagination to conceive the feelings of such a man at the moment of so sublime a discovery. What a bewildering crowd of conjectures must have thronged upon his mind as to the land which lay before him, covered with darkness! That it was fruitful was evident from the vegetables which floated from its shores. He thought, too, that he perceived in the balmy air the fragrance of aromatic groves. The moving light which he had beheld proved that it was the residence of man. But what were its inhabitants? HISTOEY. 1. How many crusades were there ? What do you know of them? Did any material benefit accrue to England from them ? 2. Write an account of the reign of James 11. 3. With what important events in English history were the following persons connected : Strongbow, Cranmer, Strafford, Eoger and Edmund Mortimer, Prince Eupert, Lord Clive, Lord Clyde ? 4. What events took place between the death of Cromwell and the restoration of Charles II.? 5. Assign events to the following dates: 597, 1164, 1283, 1455, 1588, 1666, 1775, 1848. 6. Give a short account of the Duke of Wellington's campaigns in India and the Peninsula. AEITHMETIC. 1. Add up the following— & s. d. 971,068 6 If ....... 213,884 3 2 98,278 17 6 \ 23,997 5 2 234,526 1 1 14,239 2 5f 36197 11 7 1 N.B. —Do not copy these figures out. Give the answer 810769 2 2i *n nS ures an^ n wor<ls, and prove that it is correct. 90^473 16 5 673,159 0 If 83,511 3 0 52,867 13 5J 23,276 5 9 836,729 6 7} 627,412 3 7* 2. In 777,695 pints, how many quarts, &c. ? 3. If the duty on 50 packages, each weighing 1281b., is £33, what is the duty on 73 packages of the same material, each weighing 981b. ? 4. Add |of| of 17i£ to fof T \ of 17f 5. Find the difference between £24 ss. 4fd. x^V and £39 0s- 10id.-f-4f 6. Write down the following products and quotients :— ■ (a) 1-2x1000; (b) l-2-f-1000; (c) 12x1-20; (d) 12 +1-20; (_)l-2x-012; (/) 1-24-120. 7. Express 3cwt. lqr. 71b. as the decimal of a ton. 8. What principal will amount to £808 Is. 4d. in 3f years at 4 per cent.? 9. Find the income of a man who spends £12 ss. in a fortnight and saves £100 a year. 10. One country yielded 209,0960z. of gold in six months, and another 228,2920z.: what is the excess in weight and value, at £3 17s. 10^d. per oz., of the average monthly return from the one country over that of the other ?