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Alpha, the work was fairly set down on paper, and generally with sufficient explanation to enable the process of working to be followed. A second paper was set to the middle classes in the school, with the following results :— Upper School— Highest. Lowest. Average. Class Delta ... ... ... .. 61 11 42 Class Epsilon ... ... ... ... 92 8 486 Class Zeta, Division 1 ... ... ... 55 23 35 Lower School — Class A, Division 1 ... ... ... 91 18 45 It will be seen that Bpsilon and A, 1, answered this paper well. Both classes contain some very good boys, but that of Zeta, 1, was poor. For the second division of Zeta and A the paper was shortened by the omission of the questions which were beyond the range of their work. In the paper thus abridged they obtained average percentages of 42-J and 51 respectively. In all these classes, with the exception of Zeta, the work was sot down fairly well. Papers, adapted in each case to the work gone over, were also set to the Classes B, C, and D, in the Lower School, with the following results : — Lower School— Highest. Lowest. Average. Class B ... ... ... ... 80 38 57 Class C, Division 1 ... ... ... 86 21 46J Class D, Division 2 ... ... ... 82 19 44 Class D ... ... ... ... 65 7 33 Class B did well, and the boys were very equal; Class C, in both divisions, did fairly; and Class D poorly. With the exception of Class D the work was set down fairly well for little boys in all these classes. All the classes in the Lower School were also examined orally. In this examination we found that the explanation of arithmetical processes given by the boys was good in nearly all the classes. In our inspection we remarked that this part of their training was carefully attended to, more especially in the classes taught by Messrs. Francis, Tibbs, Kirby, and Tomlinson. In the actual working of examples, however, all the classes, with the exception of Class B, were slow and inaccurate. Class B, indeed, was the only one in which any stress seemed to bo laid on rapidity of working. This seems to us to be a notable defect in the arithmetical teaching, for quickness in working is of little less importance than accuracy ; and it is usually found, moreover, that quickness and accuracy, slowness and inaccuracy, go together. It should be noted that the arrangement of the desks, and the fact that slates are never used, are not favourable to the training of the boys in rapid and accurate working. Algebra. The paper sot in algebra to Class Alpha (the highest class) extended to the limits prescribed for the examination for junior University scholarships, and contained some questions up to the standard of that examination. For the second division of the class the paper was lightened by the omission of one question. The following are the percentage results : —■ Highest. Lowest. Average. Class Alpha, Division 1 ... ... ... 65 27 51| Class Alpha, Division 2 ... ... ... 57 8 40 These numbers are satisfactory, although none of the boys did brilliantly. There were a few good papers, and the greater number of the boys in both divisions did fairly well. To Class Beta a paper up to simple equations (inclusive) was set, and the same paper, with the omission of one question, was also set to Class Gamma. The following are the results :— Highest. Lowest. Average. Class Beta ... ... ... ... 93 44 66 Class Gamma ... ... ... ... 68 7 28 The paper was certainly an easy one for a class in the position of Class Beta ; but, after making due allowance for this fact, the percentages obtained by that class are still highly creditable. From Gamma two good and two fair papers were obtained; the others were exceedingly poor. Papers, up to fractions (inclusive), were also set to Class Delta, and the first division of Class Epsilon, with the following results : — Highest. Lowest. Average. Class Delta ... ... ... ... 87 20 48 Class Epsilon, Division 1 ... "... ... 53 17 33f The lower classes in algebra—viz., Epsilon, 1 and 2, Zeta, 1, and A, 1 and 2—were examined orally. Being only beginners, no great degree of expertness was to be expected from them ; but the examination confirmed the impression that we had formed from our previous inspection of the classes, that the groundwork was being carefully laid. Euclid. The papers set in Euclid to Class Alpha ranged over the first six books, and contained a few easy riders. The percentages obtained were the following:— Highest. Lowest. Average. Class Alpha, Division 1 ... ... ... 79 44 60 Class Alpha, Division 2 ... ... ... 49 19 35 The answers of the first division were highly satisfactory, not only the propositions, but also the riders, being well written out. The second division, on the other hand, was decidedly weak. 2—E. 9.