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Table No. 7 -continued. Return of Salaries of Officers, &c.— continued.

Table No. 8. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries in respect of all Services under the Control or Supervision of the Minister of Education during the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

Officers. Salaric-3. Itomaiks. Westlaxd : — Secretory and Inspector £ b. d. 300 0 0 Also travelling allowanco of 10s. a day, with coach fare or dorse Lire. Q-KET :— Secretary ... [No Inspoctor.] 150 0 0 With actual travelling expense*. Otago :— (Secretary and Treasurer Clerk ,, ... ... ... Inspector of Schools j> Architect ... Clerk of Works Normal School—Rector „ Matron Tutor Gymnastic Teacher... Teoclier of Singing ... School of Art—Master ,, Lady Assistant „ Pupil-teacher COO 0 0 250 0 0 175 0 0 85 0 O 550 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 210 0 0 570 0 0 20S 0 0 3G0 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 O 41G 0 0 100 0 0 55 0 0 Also travelling expenses 25s. a day, and forage allow- > anco of 25s. a week when employed in and around ) Duncdin. j Also actual travelling expenses. Southland :— Secretary ... Treasurer.,, Inspector of Schools Inspector of Works 275 0 0 75 0 0 400 0 0 For six months. With £130 for travelling allowance. Paid according to amount of work done.

Head Office (Vote No. 42). Secretary Inspector-General Clerks and clerical assistance Travelling cxponscs Translations of papers relating to technical education Contingencies £ s. d. 650 0 0 650 0 0 1,070 8 0 163 12 4 48 0 0 39 14 9 £ a. d. Public Schools (not including special grants for buildings, shown below) — (Vote No. 43). Grants to Education Boards— 1 Capitation allowance, at £4 per average attendance ... £321,059 9 3 Less revenue from reserves .. .. .. .. 28,664 12 0 2,626 15 1 Capitation allowance, at Is. Cd., for scholarships .. Subsidies for inspection Subsidies for training of teachers Grant! for rebuilding schools destroyed by firo Miscellaneous Expenditure— Westland Education Listrict Rent of Education Office, Dunedin Examination of teachers (two examinations) .. .. £1,155 Oil Less fees .. .. .. .. .. 536 3 0 292,994 17 3 5,023 7 11 4,000 0 0 8,039 2 0 894 15 0 16 9 6 250 0 0 311,871 2 11 618 17 11 33 13 4 Standard drawing books Native Schools (not including buildings, shown below) —(Vote No. 44). Salary of Inspector .... Salaries and allowances of teachers .. Higher education and technical training Books, school requisites, sewing material, &o. Travelling (including removals of teachers) .. Repairs and planting School at Chatham Islands General contingencies 500 0 0 10,708 12 9 1,540 13 1 599 12 7 585 3 8 258 C 6 250 7 8 412 3 7 14,673 14. 5 Lass recoveries Total (£214 18s. 4d. charged to Native Reserves Funds) 14,854 19 10 181 5 5 Carried forward ... 329,171 12 5