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TABLE P.—Money Assets (and Deficits) of Boards at End of 1885.

TABLE Q. —Money Liabilities (and available Balances) of Boards at End of 1885.

It appears from these statements that the Auckland, Taranaki, and Wellington Boards if they had to wind up their affairs would be obliged to borrow for ordinary current expenses part of the money granted for buildings ; while in Hawke's Bay the case is the reverse, and the Board, besides having nothing left of its share of the vote for building, has drawn upon its general maintenance fund to the extent of over £700 for building purposes. The figures in these two tables are derived directly from the Boards' own returns, and they have not been checked to ascertain whether the balances available for buildings are those that would emerge from a calculation of all the grants that have been made for buildings and all the legitimate expenditure from those grants. From Tables P and Q it also appears that, of the sum of £57,600 from the Public Works vote of 1885, the sum of £30,495 only is left after providing for works completed or under contract at the end of the year, and that Wanganui's balance available for buildings is very small; and, further, that Hawke's Bay, instead of having any portion of this sum to spend, has exceeded by .£7lB the grants made for buildings. The School Committees are required to render accounts to the Boards under which they act. Summaries of these accounts, so far as the Boards have been able to obtain them, are given in the Appendix (Table No. 6, page 6). The statement is certainly not complete. The balances brought forward from the preceding year do not agree with the balances as stated in the report for that year. The disagreement in almost every case in which it occurs seems to arise from the failure of some Committees in one year or the other, or in both, to


Due from Deficit on account of Education Disteiots. CaBh. Totals as in Table Q. Government. Other Sources. Building. Other Purposes. £ s. d. 2,871 17 6 £ s. d. 11,558 15 8 1,279 9 2 3,205 11 10 5,345 13 3 2,744 2 6 950 10 3 2,394 15 5 5,410 13 7 1,211 H 7 1,409 0 0 1,029 G 1 8,952 10 C 3,661 12 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,065 0 1 378 3 0 £ s. d. 15,495 13 3 1,657 12 2 3,430 16 1 6,974 12 0 3,495 0 2 1,546 19 9 5,707 13 5 16,225 2 8 2,871 14 2 2,090 14 4 1,130 15 4 15,697 9 7 3,661 12 9 Luckland Yanganui Wellington lawke'a Bay .. .larlborougli kelson Jorth Canterbury South Canterbury Yestland Irey )tago Southland 225* 1 3 596 9 6 3,312 18 0 10,814 9 1 1,589 2 9 C33 4 9 CO 12 4 C.744 13 1 33 0 0 717*17 8 1,62818 9 70 16 10 48 9 7 40 16 11 Totals.. 717 17 8 3,072 1 10 79,985 15 8 26,848 11 3 49,154 1 7 193 3 4

Liabilities for Balances tor Education Districts. Total! as in Table P. Buildings. Other Purposes. Buildings. Other Purposes. Auckland .. Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson North Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. Westlana .. Grey Otago Southland.. £ s. a. 4,488 11 5 230 15 1 897 12 2 1,938 19 10 2,723 13 10 s s. a. 4,855 4 0 261 14 5 560 2 4 2,165 19 0 £ s. a. •6,151 17 10 1,165 2 8 152 1 3 2,869 13 2 £ s. d. 11,821* 0 4 £ s. a. 15,495 13 3 1,657 12 2 3,430 1G 1 6,974 12 0 3,495 0 2 1,54G 19 9 5,707 13 5 16,225 2 8 2,871 14 2 2,090 14 4 1,130 15 4 15,697 9 7 3,661 12 9 2,784* 0 0 1,711 7 6 149 16 3 1,439 12 C 580 9 7 1,076 11 3 28 10 0 177 8 9 964 19 10 1,232 7 6 9,743 7 6 1,372 9 4 1,320 10 7 903 16 6 3,436 10 0 1,182 6 1 771 6 4 432 3 8 251 13 5 J4,189 18 1 422 13 7 628 3 9 31 17 1 2,571 16 1 226 14 0 113 10 0 17 13 0 9,689 3 6 1,349 18 0 902*14 8 Totals 25,945 4 4 12,198 2 9 30,495 2 3 11,347 6 4 79,985 15 8 * Includes JE1.500 in roserve for playgrounds. + Includes £230 8s. interest held under the Eees bequest, but excludes £2,480 irincipal. t Includes an old provincial fund of £4,000 for scholarships.