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88 miles above Upokongaro; 95 viiles above Wanganui; 41 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 110: Taurapokiore—a large slip on left bank came down here about five years ago, according to the Natives, and this has confined the river channel. The whole hill side from a great height seems to have slipped, with large masses of rock, soil, and boulders. This has caused a swift and difficult rapid. To improve, take boulders out to line AA, depositing them behind this line on left bank; or, if practicable, and work affords to line 88, but probably line AA is all that can now be attempted. This will give a straight channel with good water, but rapid run. The river turns to the right below the rapid with a deep place on left against a papa face. This will be a heavy piece of work. Three ring-bolts, fixed in papa face on right bank, would give facility for using warps if required. There is said to be a heavy surf just below the rapid in floods, rendering it dangerous to canoes, but not probably to any vessel used for stoam navigation. Measured current at X with patent log and got six miles per hour surface current. See diagram No. 4. Eapid No. 11l (a short way below 110): This rapid is caused by stuff which has been carried down in floods from the slip mentioned and deposited in river-bed; two snags to move, and probably some large stones to move out of the channel; good reach, about 120 ft. wide ; bold papa faces both sides; a snag to move in channel. Taireaka, Native kainga, on right. Kohaumia, a stream, on right, just below the kainga. Eapid No. 112 : Swift run ; channel to right against papa face, but clear; no work required ; a snag below rapid to move; good reach. Amate, a stream, on the left. Eapid 113 Earatu —clear, but shallow, and wide. Note. —There is more drift timber now in places lodged .against the river banks than was observed higher up the river. Eapid No. 114: Easy run, straight and clear; good reach; bold papa faces on both sides; river about 100 ft. wide. 85 J miles above Upokongaro ; 92 J miles above Wanganui ; 43-J- miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 115 : Tautara Kapua—swift run ; a few snags on left to move ; current runs quickly for some way down ; some snags to move in reach below. Mararoa Stream on right; some snags to move just below this. Eapid No. 116 : Channel to right, with bend to left; short, quick run, and current extends some way below the rapid " Houeneika." 84J viiles above Upokongaro ; 91J miles above Wanganui ; 44^- miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 117 : Moderate run ; wide and shallow ; clear; no work required. Eapid No. 118 : Tarawhata, Native kainga, on left; swift run, with bend to right, and a second swift run close below, river still bending to right; runs against papa faces on left; some stones to move on loft at lower end; good reach; a stream on right. Eapid No. 119 : Swift run, with curve to left; channel on right, against papa face ; a snag at lower end to move. Eapid No. 120 (a few chains below 119) : A small waterfall on right; no work required. Eapid No. 121 : Easy run ; river bending to left; a snag a short way below to move ; opposite small stream on right. 82-J miles above Upokongaro; 89f miles above Wanganui ; 46J miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 122 : Auroa—swift run against papa bank ; channel curves to left; several snags to move on right. Eapid No. 123 : Moderate run, with curve to right; some snags at upper end to move. Eapid No. 124 : Swift run, with curve to right; some snags to move ; the run continues some way below ; good reach; small waterfall on left bank. Eapid No. 125: Short run; some snags to move; good reach, with bold papa faces both sides, and good still water ; small waterfall to left and another to right. Note. —The streams falling into river have cut deep into papa rock here, while some distance back up river they have the opposite effect of throwing out buttresses, or rather of preserving the wearing away of the papa ; probably owing in that part of river to some substance, perhaps lime, being held in solution in the water of the stream, and which has a hardening effect on the surface of the papa, where the stream falls over it. Eapid No. 126 : Moderate run; some boulders to move at upper end, and some snags; curved to left; streams and small waterfall on right bank ; good reach. 81 miles above Upokongaro ; 88 miles above Wanganui ; 48 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 127 : Moderate run ; snag in centre to movo ; papa shelf on left; good reach; stream on right. Eapid No. 128 : Moderate run ; some snags to move ; stream to left; good reach ; straight and good water; stream to left and another to right. Makokomiko, a Native kainga, to left on a hill. Eapid No. 129 : Moderate run; wide and shallow; no work required; stream to left. Eapid No. 130 : Moderate run; a snag to move. Eapid No. 131: Swift run against papa on right bank; some snags at top to move ; good reach; stream on right.