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With this speed in the rapids, ami in many of them bends in direction more or less sharp, the navigation will obviously have some difficulties to contend with and to overcome. After the general clearing and snagging of a passable channel is done there will be a question of maintenance of the clear channel owing to probable occasional lodgement of snags, and it may be in some cases alteration of channel after heavy floods. However, when the present snags, boulders, &c, which have evidently lain in the channels for a very long time, have been removed, the maintenance should not be so heavy a matter, provided prompt attention is given to removal of drift and snags that may from time to time lodge in the channels, before they have time to act as a nucleus for gathering further drift. 129 miles above Upokongaro ; 136 miles above Wanganui : 29th October, 1885, started from Taumaranui, the canoe being in the Ongaruhe Eiver, a short way above the junction of that river with the Wanganui. The most suitable landing place for traffic here would appear to be in the Ongaruhe, on its left bank. Between this and the junction of the two rivers there is one rapid in the Ongaruhe, but not a difficult one. Went down the Ongaruhe to the junction and entered the Wanganui Eiver. Two snags to remove just below the junction. Eapid No. 1: A number of snags to move; a good deal of work here. Eapid No. 2 : Some snags to move, and large stones to move all across. Eapid No. 3:At a papa bluff on left bank; no snags, but pick up some stones. Eapid No. 4 : Swift run, straight; not much work. Eapid No. 5 : Snags to move on right bank. Eapid No. 6: At bend of river to left, papa rock on right in shelves. Some stones to move; some snags just below rapid : not a difficult rapid. Eapid No. 7 : Straight run; little work to be done. Eapid No. 8: At bend to right rocks and large boulders to move; channel on left bank. Some more stones to move just below rapid; some of these want blasting as too large to lift. Eapid No. 9: On bend to right; channel on left bank; large stones to move; plenty of water; very swift run. Tried speed of current with patent log, and found four miles per hour in upper part of rapid. Eapid No. 10 : Pretty straight; some big stones to pick up, and some rocks to blast. Eapid No. 11: Channel to right; not much work required ; papa rock on right. This is a long rapid just above Waitapu Creek, which joins on the right; below the creek bold bank on right of stratified papa, dipping to westward ; good reach below this, with bold bank and channel on right; sharp turn to left. Eapid No. 12 : Eapid at sharp turn; clear; not much work; very swift run, and difficult on account of sharp bends. Speed of current by patent log, 4 miles an hour; some big stones to move; papa on both sides; in lower part might be improved by cutting off point at A, but this would involve a good deal of work. Some stones to move in the reach below. See diagram No. 1. Eapid No. 13 : Large boulders on right; stones to take out of channel, also some snags. Channel to left very swift. Current runs 4$ to 5 miles per hour; bad turns; might be improved by moving the large stones at A, involving a good deal of work. See diagram No. 2. Eapid No. 14 : Straight run ; some stones to move, and three large boulders. There is a considerable current for about ten chains below this rapid, with some large boulders to clear out. 123-J- miles above Upokongaro ; 130£ miles above Wanganui ; 5J miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 15 : Straight run ; not bad; some stones to move; Makokomiko, a stream, joins on left bank; river good for some distance below this. Ikamutu Stream to left. Eapid No. 16 : Straight run; a long rapid; probably require some stones moved out of channel; at foot of rapid river turns to right. Eapid No. 17 : At bend easy run ; not requiring work. General Note. —On these rapids, from starting-point, the least depth observed in present state of river was 2ft. 6in., the river being said to be about lft. over low level or state, occurring probably for six to eight weeks in summer or autumn. Eapid No. 18 : Straight run ; a good many boulders to move in lower part of rapid; below this a good reach; stratified papa seams on right bank; dipping westwards at slight incline, say 1 in 10. Eapid No. 19 : Quick run, but straight and clear, not requiring work ; would be shallow in low level of water. 121 miles above Upokongaro ; 128 miles above Wanganui; 8 miles below Ongaruhe Junction at Taumaranui: Eapids Nos. 20 and 21: Omaka, about eight miles from Taumaranui, sharp turn to right, high hill on left, and a round detached fern hill on left, just below rapid ; a shelf of papa rock on left confines the channel. This is a long difficult rapid, and turns to left at foot of the first run ; some stones to move ; another turn to right at foot of second run, with some boulders to clear. This rapid is about 8 chains or 10 chains long, with several turns, and may be said to consist of several runs in close succession.