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The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Marine Department, 31st March, 1886. I have the honour to forward, for the information of the Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, and on other works during the year, viz. : — Light on Cuvier Island. —An order for the lantern and lighting apparatus for this lighthouse has been sent to England for execution. cmoval of Snags and Bocks from the Mokau River. —The amount voted for this work has been expended with a good result for a distance of twenty-seven miles from the mouth of the river. The work has been carried out with the view of securing a channel 35ft. to 40ft. wide, and 7ft. deep at low-water spring-tides ; but this depth has not been attained, there being places yet where only 3-Jft., 4ft., and sft. of water can be found. Jackson's Head Beacon. —This is now being erected in the shape of a circular tower of solid concrete, and the work has progressed to a height of about 12ft. from the foundation-level, which corresponds nearly with the low-water line. The height of the tower will be 38ft., but the lateness of the season will prevent the whole of this being completed; enough, however, will be built to serve the purpose of a beacon meanwhile, and the remainder will be finished next summer. Kaipara Harbour. —Some changes in the soundings in the channels and on the bar pointed to the necessity for a new survey : this is now being carried out, and a new chart will be prepared containing all the necessary information. Nelson Harbour. —During a visit to Nelson in February I made a survey of the changes in the direction of the channel of the Waimea Eiver, and the results of the survey will be described in a separate report. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.