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was taken out against him, charging him with having stolen the sum of £240, the moneys of the Select Vestry or Poor Law Guardians; but, upon a subsequent examination of the books, it was discovered that Anderson was a defaulter to a much larger amount. It has now boen ascertained that he joined the_steamer "Orient," of the Orient Line, at Naples, on the 25th of April last, and sailed for Sydney in the name of G. Hamilton, that he is now in Auckland and passing in his own name (Anderson). Upon his arrival in New Zealand he sent through the agents of the New Zealand Shipping Company at Wellington to the agents in London, a cablegram arranging for a firstclass passage to be provided for Mrs. Anderson (his wife) from London to Wellington. A passage was provided in the steamer " Doric," which sailed from London on the 28th ultimo, but, although a portion of his wife's luggage, consisting of five packages addressed " Mrs. Anderson, not wanted on the voyage," went in that vessel, she, for some reason, declined to go in her. As Anderson (the man wanted) will no doubt either meet the " Doric " or other vessel arriving at Wellington from London by the Orient line, or depute some person to do so, I would thank you to cause the necessary steps to be taken by cablegram for Anderson's arrest under " The Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881." I also inclose you certified copies of the information and warrant, and ask that you will forward me the usual form of indemnity which I will return, signed by the legal representative of the guardians, who has undertaken to defray all the expenses incurred in the arrest and conveyance of the fugitive to England. Anderson is about forty years of age, sft. 6in. high, proportionate build, square shoulders, ruddy complexion, dark sandy hair whiskers and moustache, bald on the top of his head, has a slight outward turn of the eyes, and generally dresses in a suit of brown cloth, dark over-coat and felt hat, and wears a gold albert chain with long links. I have, &c, Geo. Williams, The Hon. Sir E. A. 0. Liddell, X.C.8., Chief Superintendent. H.M. Under-Secretary of State, Home Department, London.

Enclosure 2. Sm,— Whitehall, 3rd October, 1884. With reference to the letter from this department of the 29th ultimo, asking that stops should be taken to obtain the provisional arrest of the fugitive offender Alexander Eorsyth Anderson, in New Zealand, I am directed by the Secretary of State to request that you will move the Earl of Derby further to instruct the Governor of New Zealand by telegram that, in the event of Anderson's arrest, all moneys and documents found in his possession should be secured by the police. An indemnity for all expenses has been given by the prosecutor. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Goderey Lushington.

No. 14. (New Zealand. General.) Siß,— Downing Street, 11th October, 1884. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 64, of fho 16th of August, and to inform you that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of Sir Frederick Whitaker, K.0.M.G., Major Harry Albert Atkinson, Mr. William Itolleston, Mr. John Bryce, Mr. Richard Oliver, Mr. Thomas Dick, and Mr. Walter Woods Johnston, being allowed to retain the title of _ Honourable within the Colony of New Zealand as late Members of the Executive Council. I have, &c Governor Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c. 'DEKBY

A.-1., 1884, No. 24.

No. 15. (New Zealand, No. 63.) Sir,— Downing Street, 11th October, 1884. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 63, of the 16th of August, transmitting newspaper extracts on the subject of the proposed annexation of the Samoan Groups to New Zealand, and the action of Mr. Lundon. I h ave , &c, Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., 0.8., &c, DERBY.

No. 16. (New Zealand, No. 64.) Sir,— Downing Street, 15th October, 1884. I have the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your government, a copy of a letter, which I have caused to he addressed to the