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A.-2a., No. 50,


During your Majesty's long and most successful reign, the Colony of New Zealand, and other now large and prosperous communities, have been founded in this part of the world. Under your Majesty's fostering care, New Zealand has, from a weak and struggling colony, gradually increased in strength and power until it now contains more than half a million of European subjects of your Majesty, irrespective of your loyal Native subjects, and with constantly accelerating growth it continues to increase in population and importance. We, mindful of these things, and anxious to show our affection and gratitude to your Majesty, and to the great nation from which we have sprung, hasten, immediately upon our meeting, to assure your Majesty that it is the desire of your subjects in New Zealand, of all races, so far as lies in their power, to render your Majesty's reign still as successful and beneficial to the vast multitudes of people under your rule as it has hitherto been, and, with this object in view, to aid the Empire to the best of their ability at all times when your Majesty may deem their services necessary and valuable, and may be pleased to accept them.

No. 59. (No. 84.) My Lord, —■ Government, House, Wellington, 27th June, 1885. I have the honour to transmit herewith an address unanimously agreed to by the Legislative Council of New Zealand to the Queen, expressive of the loyalty of Her Majesty's subjects in this colony, and of their desire to aid Her Majesty on any occasion when Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to consider their services necessary; and to request that your Lordship will, should you think fit to do so, lay the address at the foot of the Throne. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

Enclosure. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. May it please your Majesty, — We, the members of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, in Parliament assembled, present our most respectful congratulations to your Majesty on the steps recently taken by New South Wales and other colonies to aid, or to tender effectual aid, to the Empire at a time of temporary difficulty, thereby giving an example which must facilitate the consolidation of the Empire, and the establishment of that confidence which always springs from the unexpected manifestation of great and hitherto hardly-recognized powers. During your Majesty's long and most successful reign, the Colony of New Zealand, and other now large and prosperous communities, have been founded in this part of the world. Under your Majesty's fostering care, New Zealand has, from a weak and struggling colony, gradually increased in strength and power until it now contains more than half a million European subjects of your Majesty, irrespective of your loyal Native subjects, and with constantly accelerating growth it continues to increase in population and importance. We, mindful of these things, and anxious to show our affection and gratitude to your Majesty, and to the great nation from which we have sprung, hasten, immediately upon our meeting, to assure your Majesty that it is the desire of your subjects in New Zealand, of all races, so far as lies in their power, to render your Majesty's reign still'as successful and beneficial to the vast multitudes of people under your rule as it has hitherto been, and, with this object in view, to aid the Empire to the best of their ability at all times when your Majesty may deem their services necessary and valuable, and may be pleased to accept them.

No. 60. (No. 85.) My Lord, Government House, Wellington, 6th July, 1885. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch No. 25, dated tlie 2nd May i last, asking for a report respecting the circumstances under which Alexander Eorsyth Anderson, fugitive offender, was allowed to withdraw a sum of money standing to his credit in one of the local banks, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a memorandum from the Premier (Mr. Stout), forwarding papers on the subject. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon, the Earl of Derby.