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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency,

No. 55. (No. 100.) Mt Lord, —■ Christchurch, 6th December, 1884. I have the honour to forward herewith an application from the Rev. J. L. Stanley, of this colony, for a nomination for his son to one of the four naval cadetships which are given annually to the sons of gentlemen in the colony. 2. Mr. Stanley is, as he states, a colonist of many years standing. He is a gentleman of high character; and if there should still be one of the cadetships for the ensuing year undisposed of, and your Lordship should see fit to recommend his son for the vacancy, I have every reason to believe that he would be a suitable candidate. I have, &c, Wm. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

Enclosure. The Eev. J. L. Stanley to the Pbivate Seceetaey to Sir W. Jeevois. Sie, — St. John's, Milton, Otago, sth December, 1884. I have the honour to request that you will ask His Excellency the Governor, should he think fit to do so, to send in the name of my son, Norman Litchfield Stanley, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, asking his Lordship to recommend him to the Lords of the Admiralty for one of the four cadetships which are annually given to sons of gentlemen in the colonies. I am hy birth an Englishman, and have resided for upwards of twenty years in the Colony of New Zealand, where I have been working as a clergyman of the Church of England, and at present hold a benefice in the Diocese of Dunedin. My son, who was born in the colony, is now at the High School at Dunedin. As he will be thirteen years of age on the 15th May, 1885, he'jsvill not be eligible for examination later than next June. lam therefore anxious to obtain for him one of the cadetships that are to be given away next year. I have, &c, The Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor. J. L. Stanley.

No. 56. (No. 41.) My Lord, — Government House, "Wellington, 28tli March, 1885. With, reference to your Lordship's despatch, marked " General," and dated the 23rd January last, concerning an application from the Rev. J. L. Stanley for a nomination for a naval cadetship for his son, Norman Litchfield Stanley, I have the honour to forward herewith, in duplicate, the particulars required by Lord Kimberley's circular despatch of the 9th April, 1881, signed by Mr. Stanley. I have, &c, Wm. F. DRUMMOND JEEVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby. I—A. la.

A-2A., Nc. 45.