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James C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury. James B. Heywood, Treasury, 20th May, 1885. Accountant to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

By Authority : Gbobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBs.


£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,448 17 8 Brought forward Consolidated Fund— continued. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF \OT'ES—continued. Total. Obdinaey Revenue Account— continued. Final Charges. Advances. Brought forward .. .. £27,074 16 8 Class VI. Commissioner of Customs, — Vote 38. Miscellaneous services .. £640 5 6 Class VII. Commissioner of Stamps,— Vote 41. Miscellaneous services .. 13 3 3 Class VIII. Minister of Education, — Vote 45. Industrial schools .. 855 15 9 „ 46. Deaf-and-Dumb Institution 107 11 11 Class IX. Minister for Native Affairs, — Vote 49. Native Department .. 25 19 11 „ 50. Native Land Court Class XII. Minister of Defence, — Vote 59. Police and Armed Constabulary „ 60. Field Force .. .. 3,557 5 6 „ 61. Stores and magazines .. 9 9 11 „ 62. Miscellaneous services 3,900 16 9 30,975 13 5 640 5 6 13 3 3 855 15 9 107 11 11 17 3 6 25 19 11 17 3 6 5 17 8 700 1 7 5 17 8 4,257 7 1 9 9 11 2,131 10 0 2,131 10 0 32,284 8 5 6,755 9 6 39,039 17 11 Land Fund Account :— Class XIII. Minister of Lands, — Vote 67. Survey Department .. 2,992 13 7 3,704 1 8 6,696 15 3 45,736 13 2 £35,277 2 0 £10,459 11 2 Total Consolidated Fund £52,185 10 10 Public Works Fund. Fob Sebvices not peovided fob :— Departmental: — » T. Perham, compensation for loss of office Fob Sebvices in Excess op Votes :— Final Charges. Class III. Railways,— Vote 82. Greymouth to Reefton Class VIII. Telegraph Extension, — Vote 114. Telegraph Extension Advances. Total. 6 18 9 190 9 11 190 9 11 865 2 2 674 12 3 674 12 3 £865 2 2 Total Public Works Fund £872 0 11