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APPENDIX VI. Teeaties made with Geemany. Apia, December, 15th, 1879. This day assembled at Apia, on board H.I.G.M.S. "Bismarck," the Samoan chiefs named in this document, and appointed, on the one side, by Saleaula, Leulumoega, and Lufi Lufii and their provinces, and the chiefs and representatives of their war-parties and adherents; and, on the other side, by the provinces of Manono, Faasaleleaga, Itu-o-fafine, and Tuamasaga, and the chiefs and representatives of their war-parties, and their adherents. They met on board H.I.G.M.S. " Bismarck," this being a neutral place, and they are appointed to deliberate about the proclamation of peace, in order to restore friendly relations and harmony in Samoa, and also to deliberate about other matters useful for the welfare of Samoa. They shall enter into a Treaty about the articles accepted of and agreed upon by them, and then sign the same, to ratify thereby the Treaty agreed upon. For this purpose have now been appointed, on the one side, by Saleaula, Leulumoega, and Lufi Lufi and their provinces, and the chiefs and representatives of their war-parties and their' adherents— 1. Matua ) o i i 5. Galu ) . 9. Leiataua Piliopo—Manono; 2. Lavea | Saleaula ; 6. Mamea f Aana ; 10. Samoa 1 Tuamasaffa . 3. Masua } 4 . 7. Meafaifua ) v , ~. 11. Lutu \ iuamasa^a • 4. Tafua J Atua; 8. Asiata f ; i 2. Alapa l» t ,, 13. Leaeno f iutuUa ' and, on the other side, by the provinces of Manono, Faasaleleaga, Itu-o-fafine, and Tuamasaga, and the chiefs and representatives of their war-parties, and their adherents, — 1. Sa'u ) ,«■ 5. Asiata ) -n i r 9. Saga Auauna )*„„„. cm ! r Manono: n T >• r Palauli; in m t r Aana; 2. Taupa v j 6. Lana aia j ' 10. Taefu ) 3. Faatuono ) -o i i 7. Tuiatafu) m 11. Leasio ) ~ , T ~ [ Faasaleleaga; Q n/r j. t I Tuamasaga; 1O T , \ Atua 4. Lauati j ° 8. Mataafa ) ° 12. Leota J who then agreed upon the following Articles: — Article I. The chiefs of both parties accept of the desire of Captain Deinhard, commanding H.I.G.M.S. " Bismarck," being the same as that of the Foreign Eepresentatives at Apia, to stop the war. Therefore, peace is now hereby proclaimed. There shall be no more war in Samoa, but peace and friendship shall henceforth be maintained by all the provinces and places of Samoa and their chiefs and people. If at any future day any disturbance should again arise, then a decision and peaceful settlement shall be attempted in an amicable way. All the chiefs and people of the war-parties shall return to their own places, and again turn to their peaceable and friendly occupations; and they shall obediently leave for their homes on that day which Captain Deinhard, commanding H.I.G.M.S. " Bismarck," shall appoint. Article 11. The chiefs of both parties do hereby again accept of and ratify all treaties made between Samoa and the great Governments of the United States, Germany, and Great Britain; especially, also, the Apia Municipality convention, which shall be valid from the day it was made. Article 111. Each province of Samoa shall appoint two chiefs to meet together (at such place as Captain Deinhard, commanding H.I.G.M.S. "Bismarck," may point out) to deliberate and turn their attention to a final settlement with regard to all matters concerning the Government of Samoa. They will also deliberate and agree upon an amicable settlement with regard to all Samoan property which was destroyed and plundered in this war by the war-parties of both sides. They will also deliberate about arrangements by which it will be possible for the minority of the people of one province, who dissented from the majority of the people of the same province, to return amicably to their province. They will also deliberate, together with the Foreign Eepresentatives at Apia, in order to make it possible to arrive at an amicable arrangement about all foreign property destroyed, plundered, and damaged in this war by the war-parties, and also about all points whereby the war-parties have trespassed upon the neutral territory. In case of a dispute between the chiefs and people of a province, because they cannot agree upon two chiefs to be appointed, Captain Deinhard, commanding H.I.G.M.S. " Bismarck," shall decide and point out the chiefs who are to be put aside and who are to remain. Captain Deinhard, commanding H.I.G.M.S. " Bismarck," shall have the right to transfer this arbitership to the Foreign Eepresentatives at Apia and make them his substitutes. Article IV. This Treaty shall be binding from the day on which it is signed by the chiefs'appointed on both sides; and it shall be put into the hands of Captain Deinhard, who will transmit it, at a later day, to the Foreign Eepresentatives at Apia for safe keeping; but each province of Samoa shall have the right to get a copy thereof, if they desire so. This Treaty has been signed and sealed by the chiefs nominated to make the same.