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there would be sufficient demand for colonial frozen meat in India to render the importation remunerative, for the following reasons : — 1. The highest price that the very best kind of meat fetches in Bombay is 4 annas—or, say, 3Jd. per lb.—and as large cargoes, consisting of 5,000 or 6,000 carcases of Australian and New Zealand frozen meat are sold in London wholesale at 5Jd. or sfd. per lb., and retailed at from 7d. to 9d., it is not likely that the meat could be imported to Bombay at a much lower rate, or retailed under, say, 7 annas a lb. 2. The consumption would be very limited, as natives will not touch meat slaughtered or handled by Europeans, and of Europeans and native Christians only a very few would pay more than double the price of Indian meat. The superiority of the New Zealand meat to any Indian meat but the very best grain-fed mutton is, of course, admitted. 3. The consumption, small as it must be, would be limited to the presidency towns, as fresh meat is much cheaper in the Mofussil than in Bombay; and, where mutton-clubs exist, it is so good that no one would take colonial meat in preference, even if they could get it. In regard to the woollen fabrics, the Association would beg leave to refer Government to the Chamber of Commerce, as the New Zealand manufactures are apparently unknown to the tradesmen who have been consulted on the subject. I have, &c, The Acting Under-Secretary to Government, W. J. Faeeow, Secretary, General Department, Bombay. Bombay Trades Association.

Enclosure No. 4. (No. 7589 of 1884-85.) The Municipal Commissionee for the City of Bombay to the Seceetaey, Bombay. Sib, — Municipal Commissioner's Office, Bombay, 23rd October, 1884. With reference to Government Eesolution No. 3597, dated 2nd instant, I have the honour to submit herewith a statement showing the average daily consumption of both beef and mutton, together with the average ruling prices. I have also the honour to state that on receipt of a previous Eesolution, No. 318, dated 29th February, 1883, on the same subject, I then had the pleasure of submitting to Government the information called for under this office, No. 13151, dated 27th February, 1883, with statement annexed, and which tabulated the weekly consumption of meat in the City of Bombay, as well as the ruling market prices of che same. 2. For the reasons given in my previous communication on this subject, it will be seen that, so far as the Island of Bombay itself is concerned, the Frozen Meat Association could not hope to meet with any success in the proposed undertaking; but at the same time I see no reason why the association should not meet with encouragement were its efforts more directed towards supplying the shipping with frozen meat. 3. The consumption of beef in the shipping is considerable (October-May), particularly during the fair season when we have in harbour naval and Indian marine boats, troop-ships, and besides a large number of mercantile vessels ; and, if the quality of the meat is what it is assured to be, there would, I think, be no difficulty in its finding a ready market in the shipping. I have, &c, The Secretary to Government, Douglas Bennett, General Department. For Municipal Commissioner.

Sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 4. Memorandum showing the Daily Average Consumption of Beef and Mutton in the City of Bombay, and the Average Ruling Market Prices of the same.

Enclosure No. 5. (No. 13151 of 1882-83.) The Municipal Commissioner for the City of Bombay to the Seceetaey, Bombay. Sib, — Municipal Commissioner's Office, Bombay, 27th February, 1883. Eeferring to Government Eesolution, in the General Department, No. 318, dated 29th ultimo, I have the honour to report that the weekly consumption of beef and mutton is as shown in the accompanying tabulated statement; the average ruling price is also given in the statement; and regarding the question of importing frozen meat the Superintendent of Markets reports as follows: — 3—H. 15a.

Per Day. g6 0 fl § First Sort. Average Eulinj Prices per 1b. Second Sort. Or in English Money, Average per lb. From To From To First Sort. Second Sort. ieef for Europeans, Eurasians, and Native Christians .. .. 55 [utton for Europeans .. .. 346 Natives .. .. 926 lb. 13,928 12,135 27,685 E. a. p. 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 6 E. a. p. 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 3 6 E. a. p. E. a. p. 0 16 0 19 0 16 0 2 0 0 13 0 19 & s. a, 0 0 8| 0 0 4 0 0 3J & s. a. 0 0 1J 0 0 2 0 0 If P. .ent of I C. HlGGINS, Earkets and Slauj Superinteni rhterhc .ses.