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Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ending the 31st March, 1885.

As part of the Westland and Nelson South Districts were inspected at the beginning of the financial year and again at the close, this return does not show the correct number of boilers in these districts, although the correct number of inspections for the year.

Return of Machinery inspected in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.


Portable. Stationary, Total. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. lanterbury... Vestland ... felson South 9 j 110 4 3 6 2 7 101 19 7 39 6 42 6 2S 307 37 45 Total 9 117 15 127 45 76 389

Description. Steam. Steam and Water. Water. Steam and Wind. Gas. Saw-mills Threshing machines Foundries and iron works Flour-mills Brick and pottery works Coal-mining Phormium-dressing Soap works Coffee works Stone-sawing Chaff-cutting Wood-working Breweries Coach factories Sawing firewood Tramway engines ... Butchers' ... Cranes and winches Cordials and confectioners' ... Traction-engines* ... Eoad-roller Fire-engines Pumping and drainage Dock Landing service Woollen mill Wool-washing and dumping ... Tanneries Bone-mills Glue works Eefrigerating works Chemical works Boiling down Printing ... Carpet works Eope works Baths Laundry ... Paper-making Concrete-mixing Stone-breaking Barbed-wire works... Gasworks 30 54 25 6 6 3 5 4 2 1 13 11 8 2 9 8 16 21 6 17 1 4 3 1 1 1 5 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 i * Used for threshing.