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Lifts and hoists have, as far as the Inspectors' time would allow, been examined; and, in the majority of cases, have been fitted with safety-catches, in order to prevent accidents, should the chain or rope break. The Inspectors continue to give their special attention to the fencing-in of machinery, including hoists and lifts. No accidents to persons working about machinery have taken place during the year in the Wellington, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Nelson North, Nelson South, or Marlborough Districts; one, not fatal, occurred in Canterbury; one fatal and one not fatal in Otago; and two fatal and three not fatal in the Auckland District. This number is much less than in previous years. Attached is the annual report of each Inspector, which will give full information as to the details of the work done, together with tables showing the number of boilers and machinery inspected in each district, the nature and extent of the various kinds of machinery, and the purposes for which they are used ; also particulars of any special kind of defects found in boilers. The number of boilers continues to increase so fast that it will be necessary to increase the staff by at least another Inspector. I also attach tables showing the number of boilers inspected ard the amount of fees payable for the year. I have, &c, J. Nancarrow, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Machinery.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1885.

The Inspector of Machinery, Auckland District, to the Chief Inspector of Machinery. Sir,— Auckland, 7th April, 1885. I have the honour to submit to you my annual report on boilers and machinery inspected in the Auckland District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1885. The appended returns give the number and description of the boilers and machinery, fees payable, defects found in boilers, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery; and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Chief Inspector of Machinery. W. J. Jobson.

Return showing the Number and Description of Boilers inspected, and Fees for the same.

Thirty-seven new boilers have been brought into use, 22 of which were made in Great Britain and 15 in this colony. Twenty-eight have have been repaired, 24 changed owners, and 69 remained uninspected at the end of the year.


Number of Portable Boilers. Number of Stationary Boilers. Total. Name of District. Under 5 to 10 Over 5 h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Boilers. Fees. Itago ... lanterbury Luckland Vellington larlborough 'aranaki felson North lelson South Vestland layvke's Bay 20 9 15 5 2 117 110 47 23 12 12 21 3 4 12 14 6 24 13 3 5 6 7 2 6 83 101 100 24 5 3 18 7 19 5 39 39 28 35 8 12 16 90 42 128 66 14 10 8 28 6 17 363 307 342 166 44 42 72 45 37 57 £ 684 530 613 312 93 94 137 102 59 117 "a 6 13 4r Totals 58 361 86 365 196 409 1,475 2,741

• Number. Nature of Boiler. Fees. Remarks. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. 'ortable boilers ... Itationary boilers jocomotive boilers 'ortable boilers ... Stationary boilers jocomotive boilers 5 10 95 5 3 2 42 26 2 4) 85 a J 17) 431 £ s. 180 0 433 0 d. 0 0 At £5 each, employed at 36 establishments. Charged for at per horsepower of each boiler. 7 0 0 [even machinery inspections Total 115 75 152 620 0 0