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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of I 31st heep on May. 1883. 1884. 3oult, P. B., Queenstown 3oyes Brothers, Kawarau Falls, Frankton ... 3ritish & N.Z. M. & A. Co. Limited, Minaret, Pembroke 3rown, John, Queenstown 3utel, John, Arrow River 3 utel, Peter, Arrow River 3utement, J., North Station, Queenstown ... Cameron, D. A., Queenstown Cameron, Ewen, Matukituki, Pembroke Campbell, H., Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Minaret, Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Wanaka, Pembroke Chalmers, Archibald, Pembroke Chalmers, John, Malaghan's Dalgety & Co., Walter Pk., Queenstown Daniels, F., Queenstown )avidson, Robert, Queenstown Dewar, J. S., Saddle Hill, Queenstown Douglas, A. H., Douglas Vale, Arrow River ... ilvans, E., Cherry Farm, Frankton fenn, J. C., Paradise Flat, Queenstown flint, James, Frankton forbes and Co., Arthur Point, Shotover }rant, Alexander, Frankton Jrant, William, Dreadnought, Luggate I'aines, C. H., Queenstown rolly, D. C, Arrow River Serin, John, Cardrona Serin, P., Royal Burn, Arrow River jawton & Gardiner, Moke Ck., Queenstown McAllister, William, Queenstown tlcBride, Francis, Frankton HcBride, John, Glenorohy SIcDonnell, T., Arrow River Vlclntosh, AnguB, Skipper's tfeKay, J., Rev., Arrow River tlcKenzie & Mcintosh, Lome Peak, Kingston SlcLeod, D., Kingston kfcPherson, Hugh, Pembroke tfeiklejohn, Mrs. J., Queenstown tforrisby, A. H., Eastbourne, Arrow River ... ST.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Birchgrove, Queens. ... <T,Z. L. & M. A. Co., Birchdale, Queens. »T.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Fern Hill, Queens. n".Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Nicholas, Queens. ... tficol, J., Fernhill & Mt. Nicholas, Queenst'n Paterson, W., Ayrburn, Arrow River Mtchard, Robert, Arrow River lose, Bros., Arrow River Scoles, William, Arrow River Scott, John, Malaghan's Smith, W. J., Arthur's Pt., Queenstown Southland Investment Co., Kinloch Phompson, H. S.,WanakaWest, Pembroke ... Protter, W. S., Greenvale, Kingston Purner, J., Queenstown Vhelan, James, Arrow River Vhite, George, Arrow River Vithers and Co., Queenstown 21750 1485 6250 14700 60 120 500 36 30000 677 6479 10510 £4522 280 83 4Soo 300 2000 44° 27 26900 5 000 500 7428 Nil 36435 350 90 3943 100 Nil 45° 850 1030 100 Nil 260 2170 400 200 1100 Nil 1400 340 Nil 235 130 90 60 130 80 60 360 Nil 300 129 3° 96 Nil Nil 5000 400 100 400 IOOOO 400 3° 3° 140 39°° 6 200 4000 5000 1600 1500 3500 3000 45°° 4200 Nil Nil Nil Nil 11000 5000 10800 200 2200 207 36 100 2770 9000 8321 50 212 5° 1200 154 Nil Nil 35°8 Nil 8498 100 200 300 7000 196456 300 6000 WAIHEMO COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Lnderson, John, Palmerston Jell, A. D., Shag Valley Bennett, William, Hyde Cameron, H., Centrewood, Palmerston misholm, W., Green Valley jlark, George, Macrae's Flat Cochrane, James, Palmerston Jockerell, B., Macrae's Flat )urle, James, Palmerston Davies, A. G., Dunbaek Donaldson, Robert, Macrae's Flat flynn, Lawrence, Macrae's Flat eraser, A,, Macrae's Flat fraser, Hugh, Green Valley eraser, James, Macrae's Flat irarvan, Archibald, Dunbaek xifford, Peter, Macrae's Flat Hover, J. E., Shag Valley lanlon, D., Macrae's Flat 161033 200 48940 330 305 80 600 1500 42899 33°° 926 240 500 2825 5° 900 50 Nil 200 100 66 56 1000 1200 300 320 190 54i 97 500 200 75 90 455 300 7—H. 11.

1. oi dim ep 31 st May. 1883. 1834. Efartstonge, J., jun., Macrae's Flat Tayes, John, Macrae's Flat Teffernan, William, Moonlight robnstone, R., Hilhampton, Palmerston Silgour, Alexander, Flag Swamp Sitchener, H, the Grange, Palmerston Macdonald, John, Shag Valley tfassey, James, Inch Valley, Dunbaek Hatheson, John, Palmerston Matheson, M., Hyde Hatheson, R., Green Valley McAdie, James, Palmerston McKenzie, J., Oykell Farm, Dunbaek HcLeod, P., Islay Downs, Waihemo McRae, Duncan, Macrae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Green Valley Huir, David, Green Valley Muir, John, Shag Valley, Palmerston Munro, Donald, Palmerston Rich, F. D., Bushy Park, Palmerston Robertson, W. Terrace Farm, Palmerston ... Ross Bros., Meadow Bank, Palmerston Ross, George, Shag Valley Service, J., New Smithston, Palmerston Sloan, G., Roebank, Flag Swamp Stenhouse, James, Palmerston Sutherland, J. and A., Palmerston Swallow, Edward, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Wright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerston ... SToung, J. S., Goodwood, Palmerston 620 180 700 150 143 2430 350 18106 Nil 2188 90 3800 350 Nil 1400 792 392 '77 500 1740 101 1587 1107 2800 500 85 455 450 1510 Nil 500 180 3000 136 1805O 200 1796 90 2050 280 700 IO90 789 35° 187 388 1400 2000 970 2700 650 9' 300 1545 200 400 24O (In Oamaru Subdivision). Braithwaite, John, Palmerston Brunton, David, Palmerston Campbell, Donald, Shag Valley rordon, John, Dunbaek McDonald, Hugh, Palmerston McGregor, Charles, Palmerston McLeod, Donald, PalmerBton Miller, James, Palmerston Munro, Alexander, Shag Valley Murray, R. S., Shag Valley Murray, W. and D., Dunbaek Rich, F. D., Shag Point, Palmerston Sinton, Alister, Palmerston 93.871 98,449 254 500 90 273 100 112 19; Nil Nil 590 286 900 66 91 141 9' 49< 39' 1001 7' 2101 1071 Nil 2500 1000 1400 (In Dunstan Subdivision.) Matheson, J. E., Hartfield, Hyde ST.Z. and A.L. Co., Deep Dell, Macrae's Ceviotdale, Alexander, Hyde 8,071 5.66 32507 600 233' 2953. 701 Total in County 33107 3256. 135049 13667 WAIKOUAITI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Bannatyne, Alexander, Waikouaiti Borthwick, Robert, Waikouaiti Buckland, J. C, Tumai, Waikouaiti Jlyma and Nankivell, Waikouaiti 3outts, John, Jane Field, Palmerston )owan, W., Lower Tumai, Waikouaiti Douglas, J., Mount Royal, Palmerston Duncan, John, Cherry Farm, Waikouaiti ... Teckler, W., Hawkesbury, Waikouaiti Tertslet, H. N., Waikouaiti reffries, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp jindsay, John, Flag Swamp McDonald, Donald, Flag Swamp McLean, Hugh, Waikouaiti Drbell, Henry, the River, Waikouaiti Drbell, M. C, Matanaka, Waikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Pratt, Thomas, Karitane Puddy, W., Woodhead Farm, Waikouaiti Reed, John, Corner Bush, Merton Souter, William, Flag Swamp Stevens, James, Waikouaiti fownsend, J. A., Waikouaiti 580 2366 1962 1150 25 90 21900 4200 3000 2250 50 100 108 1000 16800 13350 72 3000 760 3700 3573 1200 150 '5 26390 4420 3500 3850 500 200 406 1600 18000 10700 55 2000 o 9 875 535 697 223 1338 1005 656 250 84277 74342