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Table I.—Showing the Admissions, Readmissions, Discharges, and Deaths in Asylums during the Year 1884.

Table II.—Admissions, Discharges, and Deaths, with the Mean Annual Mortality and Proportion of Recoveries, &c., per Cent. on the Admissions, &c., during Year 1884.

II. p. T. M. 892 F. T. 483 1,375 !n asylums 1st January, 1884 Admitted for the first time Readmitted 190 48 120 33 310 81 } 238 153 391 Total under care during the year Discharged and removed — Eeoovered Relieved Not improved.. .. .. Died.. 89 17 18 68 77 9 12 24 166 26 30 92 1,130 636 1,766 192 122 314 Remaining in asylums 31st December, 1884 .. 938 514 1,452 increase over 31st December, 1883 .. •i 46 31 77 Average number resident during the year 911 497 1,408

Admissions in 1884. Total Number of Patients under Care. Asylums. In Asylums on 1st January, 1884. Admitted for the First Time. Readmitted. Total. aickland Ihristcliurch )uncdin. lokitika fapier lelson Vellington ishbum Hall (private asylum) M. P. 196 95 218 119 230 120 64 27 18 8 53 42 103 67 10 5 T. 291 337 350 91 26 95 170 15 M. 46 26 38 17 3 12 42 6 p. 28 17 26 7 7 5 25 5 T. 74 43 64 24 10 17 67 11 M. 11 10 18 1 1 2 i 1 p. 8 9 12 0 0 1 3 0 T. 19 19 30 1 1 3 7 1 M. 57 30 56 18 4 14 46 7 p. 36 26 38 7 7 6 28 5 T. 93 62 94 25 11 20 74 12 M. F. 253 131 254 145 286 158 82 34 22 15 67 48 149 95 17 10 T. 384 399 444 116 37 115 244 27 Totals 892 483 1,375* 190 120 310 48 33 81 238 153 391 1,130 636 1,766 Table II.— continued. Patients discharged and died. In Asylums on 31st December, 1884. Asylums. Discharged not recovered. Total discharged and died. Discharged recovered. Died. oickland .. 'hristohurch ) unedin lokitika Japier Telson Vellington .. Lshburn Hall (private asylum) M. 18 10 26 7 1 6 18 3 p. 15 11 22 2 1 7 10 3 T. 33 21 48 9 2 13 34 6 M. 5 7 7 3 8 1 1 3 p. 2 4 1 0 10 1 3 0 T. 7 11 8 3 18 2 4 3 M. 15 16 20 3 0 5 7 2 p. 9 3 6 1 1 0 3 1 T. 24 19 26 4 1 5 10 3 M. 38 33 53 13 9 12 26 8 F. 26 18 29 3 12 8 22 4 T. 64 51 82 16 21 20 48 12 M. P. 215 105 221 127 233 129 69 31 13 3 55 40 123 73 9 6 T. 320 348 362 100 16 95 196 15 Totals 89 77 166 35 21 56 68 24 92 192 122 314 938 514 1,452 Table II. — continued. Asylums. Average Number rosident during the Year. Percentage of Recoveries on Admissions during the Year. Percentage of Vaycp-ntanp nf during the Yoar. unaer oarePercentage of Deaths on Admissions. aickland .. Jhristchurch )unedin lokitika fapier f elson Vellington .. Lshburn Hall (private asylum) at. p. t. 198 97 295 220 122 342 230 124 354 68 28 96 15 8 23 56 42 98 114 71 185 M. P. T. 31-57 41-66 35-48 27-27 42-30 33-87 46-42 57-89 *51-06 38-38 28-56 36-00 25-00 14-28 18-18 42-85 11-66 65-00 39-13 57-U 45-94 M. P. T. 7-57 9-27 7-50 7-27 2-45 5-55 8-69 4-83 7-34 4-41 3-57 4-16 0-00 1-25 4-34 8-92 0-00 5-10 6-14 4-52 5'40 SI. F. T. 5-92 6-87 G-25 6-29 2-06 4-76 6-99 3-79 5-85 3-65 2-94 3-44 0-00 6-66 2-70 7-46 0-00 4-34 4-69 3-15 4-09 1-17 l'OO I'll M. F. T. 2-63 2-50 2-58 4-44 1-15 3-06 3-57 1-57 2-76 1-66 1-42 1-60 0-00 1-42 9-09 3-57 0-00 2-50 1-52 1-07 1-35 10 5 15 42-85 60-00 50-00 2-00 2-00 2-02 2'85 2-00 2-50 Totals 911 497 1408 37-39 50-32 42-45 7-46 4-82 6-53 6-01 3-77 5-20 2-85 1-56 2-35