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1275. 27th October. Peteb Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricul--1 tural Implement Manufacturers. —An arrangement for use with seed-drills, whereby artificial manure may be drilled in with the seed, although previously contained in separate boxes or compartments. 1276. 30th October. David Eobeetson, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—Eobertson's Meat-press.' . 1277. 24th October. Thomas D'Aecy Hamilton, of Tauhoa, Auckland, New Zealand,- Schoolteacher. —A process for the clearing and purifying and generally improving of kauri gum. 1278. 28th October. George Paetington, of Thames, New Zealand.—Self-creating motor. 1279. 31st October. Geoege Thomas Booth, William Boss, and Eanald Macdonald, all of Sydenham, New Zealand, Implement Manufacturers.— A Self-acting stump- or rock-jumping plough. 1280. Ist November. William Wells and Geobge William Stubgess, both of Sydenham, New Zealand, Engineers.—lmprovement in wire-strainers, whereby palls or loose stops are dispensed with by introducing a pin or stud in the centre of the end of any ordinary wirestrainer. 1281. Ist November. John Alves, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—lmprovements in apparatus for conveying material on aerial tramways or endless ropeways. 1282. Ist November. John Alves, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—lmprovements. in machinery for concentrating and amalgamating. 1283. 4th November. Chaeles John Hill and Chaeles Edwaed Teeheene Hill, both of Upper Eicearton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Gate- and Hurdle-makers.—An invention for performing the combined operations of sowing seeds that require to be or are best sown singly, especially turnip seeds, and for pulverizing the small clods of earth, and covering the seed, and pressing the earth into close contact with the seed. 1284. 7th November. Chaeles Osbeen Ealph Walkee, of Coolart, Balnaring, Victoria, Station Manager.—An improved wire-strainer. 1285. sth November. Job Osbobne, of Doylesftm, County of Selwyn, New Zealand.—An automatic reversing gear to attach to a Boomer-press. 1286. Bth November. Chables Gipfoed Moobe, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for adapting the Albo-Carbon Light to gas-burners generally known as sunlights. 1287. Bth November. Julius Pabkeb, of Sydenham, Canterbury, New Zealand.—A combined electric totalizator, to be called "The Infallible Electric Totalizator." 1288. Bth November. James Gbay, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineer.—lmprovement in flexible tripod harrows. 1289. 11th November. Eeedebijck Yoek Wolsebey, of Walgett, New South Wales, Gentleman, and Eichaed Pickup Pack, of Yarra Bank, Melbourne, Engineer.—lmprovements in flexible driving-gear. 1290. Bth November. Pabnell Eabbidge, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Electrician. —An improved armature for electro-motors, dynamo or magneto electric machines. 1291. 11th November. James Geove, of Wakefield, Nelson, New Zealand, Brewer.—An invention for heating, cooling, or atemperating ale, wine, or any other liquid or substance. 1292. 7th November. David Milleb, of Thames, New Zealand, Grocer. —Certain improvements in thrashing machinery and the apparatus applied therein, to be called " Miller's Patent Horse-power Machinery." 1293. 14th November. Ebank Oakden, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Architect.—Tram-rail Cleaner. 1294. 14th November. John David McKean, of Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand, Tanner, &c.— McKean's insect-repelling scrim, &c. 1295. 14th November. Eobeet Bakee, of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention entitled " The Colonial Concrete Machine." 1296. 15th November. Cheistopheb Wood, of Auckland, New Zealand, Lime Merchant.—A cement made from Malmrangi lime and river mud, or other ingredients, to resemble as nearly as possible Portland cement, and to be called " Mahurangi Cement." 1297. 17th November. James Geove, of Wakefield, Nelson, New Zealand.—-An invention for rooting up briars, gorse, blackberries, manuka, and other scrub, rushes, &c. 1298. 20th November. Maemaduke Clabke, of Tomoana, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Manager of Meat-preserving Works. —An improvement or improvements in preserving meat. 1299. 20th November. John Danes, of Bourke Street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Brassfounder, and Benjamin Babnes, of Queen's Terrace, South Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—lmprovements in tram-car motors. 1300. 20th November. Edwaed Watbbs, of 87, Bourke Street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —Improvements in grain-binding harvesters (being a communication from William E. Baker and Henry Edward Pridmore, of Chicago, in the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, United States of America). 1301. 17th November. Theodoee Kendell Williams, of Commercial Eoad, Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand, Wood Turner.—Eanlight lock and suspender. 1302. 17th November. Walteb Habfobd, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gas Engineer.—An invention for the saving of gas, &c, to be called " Harford's Automatic Gas Eegulator." 1303. (L.E.) 21st November. Albeet Eaton, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An improved beerengine. (Bigelow's.) 1304. 24th November. William Bayliss, of the firm of Bayliss, Jones, and Bayliss, of Victoria Works, Wolverhampton, Stafford, England, Fencing Manufacturers. —Improvements in metal fencing. 1305. 24th November. David Daggett, of 14, South William Street, New York, United States of America, temporarily residing at Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—lmprovements in processes of and apparatus for producing cold.