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[Translation.] To His Excellency Sir W. F. D. Jeevois, G.C.M.G., C.8., Governor of New Zealand. Youe Excellency,—■ Mulinuu, 3rd July, 1885. I have received your letter written on the 29th of May. I rejoice heartily, and desire to express my thanks for the establishment of steam communication with Samoa. Far from me is any suspicion of that arrangement as having any political signification affecting my Government. Yet, on the other hand, we are well assured that all arrangements which you carry out have as their tendency some advantage to us. Our hope still continues, in accordance with the request presented to Her Majesty the Queen of England, that if it be possible, that should take place. I shall continue to rely on your kindness to aid in all arrangements which are conducive to the welfare of myself and my Government. May you live, (Signed) Malietoa, King of Samoa.

No. 4. The Governor of Tahiti to Governor Sir W. F. D. Jeevois, K.C.M.G., C.B. Ktablissernents Frai^ais de I'Oceanie. Le Commissaire de la Marine Moeau, Gouverneur des Etablissements Cabinet du Governeur, Fra^ais de I'Oceanie, a, Son Excellence le Gouveeneue de la No. 253. Nouvelle Zelande, Wellington. Monsieur le Gouveeneue, — Papeete, le 16 Juillet, 1885. J'ai eu l'honneur de recevoir le 14 du courant la lettre en date du 29 Mai dernier, par laquelle Votre Excellence m'informe de l'inauguration d'une ligne postale par bateaux k vapeur devant relier votre colonie avec les lies Samoa, Tonga, et Tahiti. Je ne puis que me feliciter des relations nouvelles qui vont s'etablir entre la Nouvelle Zelando et le chef lieu de nos etablissements en Oceanie; il ne saurait en resulter que des facilites et des avantages au point de vue du commerce et de l'approvisionnement de Tahiti. Je serai done personnellement heureux si le Conseil-General de la Colonie, qui ni peut manquer egalement d'apprecier ces avantages, trouvait, dans nos ressources financieres, le moyen d'encourager la ligne postale dont il s'agit. L'Administration ne manquera pas de les lui signaler et d'appeler sur eux toute son attention. Eecevez, Monsieur le Gouverneur, l'assurance de ma haute consideration. Moeau.

[Translation.] French Settlements of Oceania. From M. Moeau, Commissioner of Marine, Governor of the French Governor's OfSce, Settlements of Oceania, to His Excellency the Goveenoe of Now No. 253. Zealand, Wellington. Youe Excellency,— Papeete, 16th July, 1885. I had the honour on the 14th instant to receive the letter of the 29th of May last, in which Your Excellency informs me of the inauguration of a postal line by steam vessels to connect your colony with the islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Tahiti. I am much pleased at the new relations which will thus be established between New Zealand and the head-quarters of our settlements in Oceania. There cannot but spring from them facilities and advantages to Tahiti, both in the way of commerce and food supplies. I shall therefore be personally glad if the Council-General of the colony, who cannot help equally appreciating these advantages, find in our financial resources the means of encouraging the postal service in question. The Executive will not fail to represent them to them, and to invite their most earnest attention to the subject. Eeeeive, &c. Moeau.

Authority: Geobge Didsbcby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBs