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Table No. 12. Comparative Table showing the Postal Revenue, and Number of Letters, Post-cards, Books, and Newspapers delivered and posted, within the several Postal Districts, during the Years 1881, 1882, 1883, and 1884.

Postal Districts. I Revenue. Letter Delivered. Letters. TS. Posted. Delivered. Posted. Post-cards. Delivered. Posted. Books. Delivered. Posted. Newspapers. uckland — 1881 1882 188; 1884 £ s. d. 26,045 4 3 26,982 8 si 28.968 3 7 37.832 1 9 2,563,418 3,080,779 3.458,923 3,675,880 2,36i,775 2,728,420 3.150.236 3,155,594 89,'93 85,124 1 10,084 100,135 91,091 105,300 102,167 98,917 164,268 207*530 247,559 236,405 148,79^ 19',763 257,766 230,087 ',325,636 ',729,338 1,417,988 1,342,783 1,068,093 1,394.549 ■,699.308 1.633,216 'hames— 1881 1882 1883 1884 1,701 6 9 2,300 5 5 4.497 '5 9 3,774 3 5 I54.°37 183.716 438.087 4O3.377 123,695 162,825 377.764 370,162 3.°29 3,965 8,853 9,°35 2,522 4,316 8,606 8.255 10,686 8,847 22,828 26,546 8,775 3,224 24,417 '8.Q54 9 '.45 5 " 7.' 3' 214,916 241,423 91,026 90,610 150,540 150,861 lew Plymouth— 1881 1882 1883 1884 2,607 9 11 2,993 11 9 3,259 12 9 3,206 7 8 197,717 266,045 249,054 267,488 174,421 212,199 230,854 222.365 10,7 12 7.644 14.833 8,476 '2,558 9.529 10,686 14.924 17,446 21,203 19,617 37.323 6,708 10,270 11,219 21,164 156,364 '53.2.5 2 141,596 169,104 8i,497 86,5'5 79,807 973i8 risborne— 1881 1882 188 s 1884 1,212 18 4 2.377 2 5 3,250 13 5 1,598 6 7 124,267 109,278 148,278 162,084 82,290 128,479 152,919 139,308 1,040 2,106 799 4.654 3-99l 4,641 9,087 7.792 9,7" 15,691 6,302 9.958 10,140 14,768 113,022 !°2,757 107,549 124.969 38,272 68,641 60,541 80,148 3,9°° 1, 196 apier— 1881 1882 1883 1884 6,270 19 4 6,506 6 9 7,352 18 7 6,096 15 1 462,878 5°2,554 673,036 740,688 399.789 556,79° 611,026 628,303 11,219 11,258 14,9" 18,083 8,671 13,650 12,948 21,138 44.954 53.'7° 63,557 69,017 39,884 37.258 4'.574 41.665 298,467 268,015 34°.°'5 3:6.291 208,078 231,283 258,986 2595.58 anganui— 1881 1882 1883 1884 7,258 6 8 8,163 16 10 9-55' '3 8 7.953 5 o 7'7,873 77O.393 820,599 888,'io8 49','53 721,643 672,698 679,952 25,337 24,466 2.5,5°6 36,621 20,514 3'.733 37,687 56,667 63,590 68,757 121,732 2 7.93 7 42,458 52,962 48,516 457.639 386,504 33S-673 456,014 183,612 196,482 180,427 100,398 ellington — 1881 1882 188? 1884 54,682 15 7 56,684 16 10 68,353 '7 " 65,992 o 5 ',977,4'7 2,279,186 2,486,471 2,632, i 10 1,319,266 1,900,405 2,236,242 2,358,200 31.525 31,226 S9, 852 45,383 28,470 33,475 50,505 5' .480 107,965 164,920 174,902 186,992 190,398 219,037 225,542 374,140 818,038 780,660 767,403 759,187 539.617 569,166 665,704 703,430 felson — 1881 1882 1883 1884 4.O3O 5 4 4,174 10 7 4,060 6 9 4.886 14 3 254-553 346,671 387,374 561,015 288,522 380,627 379.844 391,248 3.783 5.55' 8,827 ",245 5.94' ",245 '5,964 12,57' 25.623 33,767 24.856 59,631 2 1,957 18,044 3°,87S 19.058 159,614 ' 73-823 '63,592 '74,356 87,256 144,144 '32,132 109,291 r estport — 1881 1882 1883 1884 J, 1 19 18 3 1,636 7 6^ 2,042 11 1 1.635 " 2 80,167 92,534 124,566 103,922 58,708 87,984 119,405 118.41 7 884 1,508 4>°43 2,900 7' 5 1,183 1.599 8,268 11,492 7,709 9,477 1,638 2,691 3,016 5.7Q8 78,793 76.621 92.573 72,020 26,052 33,501 40,300 40,1 18 rreymouth 1881 1882 1883 1884 3.39S 1° ' 4,928 4 6 5,018 2 2 4-'QQ '7 3 216,294 250,926 245.79' 263,172 276,588 3'6,758 247,611 232,791 3.'O7 4,368 9,6.59 5,642 2,327 3.328 5,694 5>°S7 19,838 •8,434 15,171 29,679 34-7'° '7.55° 17,290 14612 199,641 197,091 '85,549 207.480 176,072 167,934 146,328 134,680 iokitika— 1881 1882 1883 1884 2,851 3 7 2,821 14 9 3,009 18 8 2,217 811 '67,635 155.948 197,782 215,007 142,415 148,824 166,894 163,826 3.' 33 3.'7 2 3,575 6,123 3-445 2,1 '9 2,626 2,249 i6,575 12,827 '4,794 30,602 4,953 4,368 8,905 7.2'S 182,091 140,00 1 157,885 174,629 7 2,943 7 5,842 82.862 8;.^8 ilenheim—1881 1882 1883 1884 2,268 4 o 3,041 18 10 2,955 IO 5 2,284 6 2 '53.348 200,772 235.664 297,622 '33.185 190,229 207,090 202,397 2,483 4,180 6,136 8,320 2,132 2,535 2,990 5,226 ' ',544 "3,942 21,424 30.576 6,617 10,036 11,414 ' 9,396 120,263 131,717 125.931 149.019 46,149 62,140 70,005 78,442 7 63,555 913,224 858,637 '.157.767 Ihristchurch— 1881 1882 1883 1884 27,451 2 o 26,433 '2 9 26,694 1 9 3 '-475 'Q 5 2,536,092 2,781,389 3.°74,'34 3,326.895 2,436,343 2,885,480 2,820,792 2,75 '.372 78,793 106,756 115,440 126,048 '55.623 127,309 '5'.333 '43.013 142,454 166,704 182,650 259,376 148,772 349.57° 287,536 274-495 966,875 996,75° 9' 1.638 1 ,025,700 Timaru— 1881 1882 1883 1884 6,855 '2 I0 8,299 110 8,961 12 5 6,543 8 3 577.863 618,124 718,341 769,95' 532,663 631,540 613,119 602,264 29,614 26,858 34,32° 33.4'° 15.9S' 29,627 22,438 22,803 62,218 6°,235 67,002 66.924 21,853 25,57' ■25,883 26,572 248,729 228,525 229.606 372,779 140,881 161,655 170,794 176.813 lamaru— 1881 1882 1883 1884 3,924 19 7 4,658 19 5 5.263 16 10 3,833 10 1 329.1.H 344.526 4°2,493 527.904 307,086 338,845 323,856 35 7.3i8 7,891 8-775 8,398 12,103 7,462 11,674 15,925 10,205 29,848 32,496 29 562 53.040 20.163 20.852 20,215 2;,181 208,572 '67,073 173,017 247.572 101,179 97.214 86,853 112.541 'unedin — 1881 1882 188? 1884 28.364 2 1 1 29,269 9 6 28,723 17 7 3*55' '7 5 2,345,72o 2,746,692 3,°7 6 >344 3,276,884 2,234,5°5 2,858,921 2,706,210 2,797-977 53-846 7°.S77 79.7i6 8;,189 1 12,047 1 ' 5.44O 111,631 123,526 '55,74° 164,677 164,944 233,675 198,679 298,831 257.545 310,037 ',279.551 1,263,829 I.o63,959 (,i86,c68 1,'57.99' 1,412,697 1,155,609 1,284.660 — 1881 1882 1883 1884 7.77° '8 4 8,530 18 1 9,742 13 n 9,1" 5 5 730,327 797,186 1,031,420 i,i 25,683 606.788 748,891 803,491 848,562 26,585 20,943 31,629 42.653 20,098 31.993 24.297 28,522 57.057 45.958 62,478 62,917 33,8=0 47.'9° 35.o6i 59,852 ."3,9'3 444,386 482.313 566,202 237. >°7 250,029 280,527 264.147 "otals— 1881* 1882 1883 1884 187,810 17 9 199,803 6 1 221,707 7 3 225,993 9 3 13,588.740 15,526,719 17.768,357 '9.237.79° 11,969,191 14,998,860 15,820.05 1 16,020,056 382,174 418,477 539,682 561,652 490,366 540,618 574,7 '7 59 '.9°3 940,238 1,087,584 1,197,521 1,529,603 921,944 1,308,671 ',321,363 1,51 1,510 ,228,663 7>357.471 6,911,203 7.525.596 5.019,380 = ,955.626 6,119,360 6,568,146 * The official postage decreased hy £5,717 195. 4d.. when co: ipared with that of the previous ear.