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No. 17. (No. 3.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 3rd January, 1885. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch No. 60, of the Bth October last concerning the extradition of one Herbert Joseph Williams, who was believed to be in New Caledonia, passing under the name of Dr. Willoughby, I have the honour to inform your Lordship that I have received a despatch from His Excellency the Governor of New Caledonia, stating that on the communication to him of the telegram from the Foreign Office to the British Consul demanding his extradition, he placed the matter in the hands of the Chef du Service Jitdiciaire, who sent for Dr. Willoughby, questioned him, compared him with the photograph of H. J. Williams and with the description which had been furnished by the police here, made further inquiries, and came to the conclusion that there were no grounds whatever for supposing that Dr. Willoughby who went in the "Duplex" from Sydney to Noumea and is now there, is the same as the forger H. J. Williams. I regret that your Lordship should have been caused unnecessary trouble in the matter. I have, &c, Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

A.-2, No. 12,

No. 18. (No. 4.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 3rd January, 1885. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch No. 61 of the Bth October last and further correspondence concerning the case of Alexander Forsyth Anderson, a fugitive offender, I have the honour to state that I have this day signed a warrant ordering his return to Liverpool, under the custody of Inspector James Irvine. He is to go by the direct steamer " Tongariro," leaving Lyttelton on the 17th instant. I have, &c, Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.

A.-2, No. 13, A.-2, No. 17

No. 19. (No. 5.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 3rd January, 1885. With reference to correspondence concerning the case of William Sheehan, charged with murder, your Lordship will have learnt by telegram of his arrest. This was effected on Sunday, the 21st ultimo, when information had been received of the issue of the warrant in Ireland. As the prisoner at once admitted to beino- the William Sheehan therein referred to, there was no difficulty, when he was brought before the magistrates on the 23rd, in obtaining a remand until the 31st; and on that day a further remand was granted until the 9th instant, by which time it is hoped that information will have been received that the officer has left England with the deposition. 2. It appears that notices of the murder and of William Sheehan being in this part of the world first appeared in the English papers (amongst others the Weekly Despatch and the Home Neics), from which they were copied into the newspapers here. 3. I enclose extracts from the local papers giving an account of the proceedings before the Magistrates, from which your Lordship will perceive that the police liave acted in an energetic and praiseworthy manner in the case. I have, &c, Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby.-