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For some years past the public have been pressing on the Board the necessity of providing secondary education for girls. Arrangements have been made to receive twenty girls; and from the high character of the lady engaged—Miss Ramsay—the Board has reason to expect that this class will be well attended. The annual statement of accounts is appended to this report. I have, &c, Eobt. G. Bauchope, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Chairman.

2. Statement of Receipts and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1884. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance in hand, Ist January, 1884 .. 126 9 1 By Office expenses .. .. .. 12 5 0 Grant from vote oi the General Assembly 200 0 0 Expenses of management .. .. 34 5 4 Endowments— Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 421 11 0 Current income from reserves.. .. 245 0 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Paid by School Commissioners .. 169 10 5 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 2 8 5 School fees .. .. .. .. 148 0 0 Gleaning, fuel, light, &a. .. 13 12 6 Transfer fee .. .. .. .. 10 0 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 23 13 0 Interest on current account .. .. 0 2 6 Furniture and appliances .. .. 6 2 6 Advances repaid .. .. .. 325 0 0 Sundries unclassified .. .. .. 2 2 0 Balance, Ist January, 1885 .. .. 43 17 3 £889 19 6 £889 19 6 Eobt. G. Bauchope, Chairman. Wm. Nobthcboft, Secretary and Treasurer. Examined and passed.—C. Eennell, Auditor.

WANGANUI HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Boabd's Eepoet. Sic, — Wanganui, 15th April, 1885. In forwarding the annual statement of accounts of the Wanganui High School, I have the honour to state that the whole of the Board's funds are safely invested in mortgages of freehold lands in this district, with the exception of a balance of accumulated interest, which is awaiting investment at a remunerative rate. This Board has not yet any school in operation, but it is of opinion that if Government would make a grant for a building it could establish a high school in the Town of Wanganui; and, as other centres have been granted funds for such a purpose, it now desires to urge the matter upon your notice, and it trusts that Government will lose no time in placing a suitable sum upon the estimates. I have, &c, W. H. Watt, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Chairman, Wanganui High School Board.

2. Statement of Receipts and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1884. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance in hand, Ist January, 1884 .. 105 16 4 By Office salary.. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Price of reserves sold (balance).. .. 616 10 Advertising .. .. .. .. 12 5 6 Endowments, interest on moneys in- Taxes .. .. .. .. 217 2 vested, and on unpaid purchase- Expenses of survey, sales, managemoney .. .. . - 309 14 8 ment, &c... .. .. .. 12 8 0 Deposit on tenders for lease .. .. 25 0 0 Funds invested — Fixed deposit (twelve Fixed deposit account —Amount with- months) .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 drawn (term expired) .. .. 100 0 0 Balance, Ist January, 1885 .. .. 414 17 2 £547 7 10 £547 7 10 A. A. Beowne, Secretary and Treasurer. Examined and passed.—E. Macalisteb, Provincial District Auditor.

3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities on 31st December, 1884. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amount of proceeds of sale of Pikopiko land, Balance .. .. .. .. 7,943 9 7 left on mortgage at 6 per cent., payable in November, 1889 .. .. .. 3,428 12 5 Cash balance .. .. .. .. 616 10 Amount invested on mortgage of freehold land at 7 per cent.,repayable June, 1888 1,200 0 0 Ditto, repayable September, 1888 .. .. 800 0 0 Fixed deposit account, deposited National Bank of New Zealand for one year, at 6 per cent. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Leases for twenty-one years, 2,354 acres 3 roods of land, estimated present value.. 2,000 0 0 Bank balance .. .. £414 17 2 Less above .. .. .. 6 16 10 408 0 i £7,9g3_9_ 7 £7,943 9 ~7 Wanganui, February, 1885. A. A. Beowne, Secretary and Treasurer, Examined and passed.—E. Macalistek, Provincial District Auditor,