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In regard to the junior classes, I may be permitted to draw attention to the fact that little boys are often heavily handicapped in an examination on paper, owing to their want of ability to handle and systematically arrange their knowledge. Although I am unable to give any formal marks for spelling, yet I had occasion to notice that many of the papers were deficient in this respect. The marks gained by the boys in their respective classes have been already placed in the hands of the Headmaster. J have, &c, E. H. Gulliver, M.A., Late Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge. The Governors of the Auckland College and Grammar School.

3.—Statement of Eeoeipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1884. [Note. —This statement was received after the Appendix to the Eighth Annual Report of the Minister of Education was printed ; hence the discrepancy between tables 9 and 10 in that report, and similar tables printed at the end of this paper.~l Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. & s. d. To Balance in hand, Ist January, 1884 .. 44 14 0 By Overdraft, Ist January, 1884 .. .. 705 19 4 Leasehold rents collected .. .. 3,464 010 Office salary and expenses .. .. 222 611 Weekly rents collected, less due for 1885 610 2 0 Elections expenses .. .. .. 7 3 10 School fees .. .. .. .. 2,505 15 0 School salaries .. .. .. 4,021 5 0 Old buildings sold .. .. .. 180 10 0 Ditto, Ponsonby branch .. .. 267 14 9 Loan for addition to Grammar School Examinations— buildings .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Examiners' fees .. .. .. 67 16 0 Balance due Bank of New Zealand, Ist Other expenses .. ... .. 32 16 6 January, 1885 .. .. .. 1,285 3 2 Scholarships .. .. .. 40 5 i Books, prizes, &c. .. .. .. 129 710 Advertising and printing .. .. 13 11 6 Lighting, &c. .. .. .. 32 13 11 Water, &c, school .. .. .. 36 10 7 Ditto, property .. .. .. 31 17 11 School-buildings—new works .. 1,970 15 3 Repairs to buildings, &c. .. .. 51 2 3 Insurance .. .. .. .. 49 11 0 City rates .. .. .. .. 103 6 2 Parnell rates .. .. .. 52 5 10 Interest on loan :. .. .. 40 0 0 Ditto, on overdraft .. .. .. 40 19 0 Repairs and improvements .. .. 66 9 9 Law expenses .. .. .. 10 18 0 Property expenses .. .. .. 145 18 10 School furniture, &c. .. .. 255 12 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. 15 0 0 Embezzlement by late Secretary .. 1,678 17 6 £10,090 5 0 £10,090 5 0 G. YON DEE HEYDE, Auckland, sth June, 1885. Accountant. I have examined the books and vouchers as corrected for the year ending 31st December, 1884. The item of " weekly rents " cannot be accurately stated, owing to irregularities and want of details during the latter part of the year ; consequently the amount of deficiency stated is approximate only, and to be taken as that ascertained to date. With these exceptions, I certify the accounts and statement of receipts and expenditure to be correct.—L. A. Duebieu, Provincial District Auditor. Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Engagements, Ist January, 1885. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Value of endowments .. .. 40,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand overdraft .. 1,285 3 2 Value of Grammar School, buildings .. Loan for additions to school-buildings 2,000 0 0 and furnishings .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Balance due contractors for school Value of other buildings, let to weekly .. buildings .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 tenants, old, say .. .. 1,200 0 0 Other outstanding claims, per schedule 614 1 5 Rents outstanding .. .. .. 235 11 3 School fees outstanding .. .. 98 0 0 £49,533 11 3 £3,999 4 7 Engagements —Agreement with Headmaster for ten years, at £700 per annum, besides capitation allowance; seven years unexpired. G. yon der Hetde, Seen. —L. A. Durrieu, Auditor, sth June, 1885. Accountant.

AUCKLAND GIELS' HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Board's Beport. The Board presents the following report of the school for the twelve months ending the 31st December, 1884 :— The number of pupils on the roll for the last term was 228. In 1883 the number was 225. The classification of pupils according to age is as follows: Under ten years, 6; between ten and fifteen, 119; between fifteen and eighteen, 92 ; and over eighteen years, 11: total, 228. The average attendance for the last term of the year was 201. The annual fee for instruction was increased to £10 10s. for the upper Forms. The fee for the lower Forms remained at the rate of £8 Bs. a year. There is no boarding department attached to the school. The school-year was divided into three terms of equal length as follows i (1) January 30th to April 26th, (2) May 19th to August 16th, (3) September 15th to December 15th.