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the Education Department upon the services of the police force are numerous and increasing, and its members have ever shown the utmost willingness to render all the assistance in their power. The Clerks of Besident Magistrates' Courts are appointed receivers of maintenance money owing by parents, and it is due to a number of them to acknowledge the services they render.

No. 2. Mbmoeandum by the Sbcbetaby for Education. Table E of the annual report of the Minister of Education* supplies a summary of the admissions, withdrawals, &c, at all the industrial schools and orphanages under the management or inspection of the Education Department. Corresponding information concerning each of the institutions is contained in the following Tables Nos. 1 and 2 :—

TABLE No. 1.—Summary of Admissions, Withdrawals, etc. (Committed Children).

_ o M 01 02 +3 O P. o o H Auckland. to 4_ _ o o 9 B £ g _ m S $ o a EH o ■§ Boys. S 9 a g fl J-H a! s o to w 9 „ _ > (S o _ 3 _ _ c +3 - 01 !. -P w o . o w ka _a _ * a ccPh _ _ _ O Girl: Si £■ a i II '&§ I 1 _ d __ t_ fl _ Particulars. 1. In the schools, 31st Dec, 1883 2. Boarded out, 31st Dec, 1883.. 799 206 511 95 5 13 100 3 6 02 179 38 159 41 288 111 32 15 45 4 59 54 40 94 56 3. Total number maintained, 31st Dec, 1883 4. At service, 31st Dec, 1883 .. 5. With friends, 31st Dec, 1883.. 6. Absent without leave, 31st Dec, 1883 1,005 606 18 103 6 62 217 200 399 47 45 4 59 94 150 100 200 13 62 113 12 i ! 21 8 3 1 1 1 11 22 4 29 80 5 38 87 1 14 3 1 1 i *3 15 11 9 68 •• i 7. Total belonging to the schools, 31st Dec, 1883 8. Committed during the year 1884 9. Transferred from other schools 1,318 793 19 I ! 135 8 I j 63 254 314 525 G5 46 5 62 120 227 313 2 175 1 16 l ! 24 4 38 47 46 1 138 1 19 17 1 1 17 23 31 30 I \ 10. To be accounted for, 31st Dec, . 1884 11. Discharged and died during '84 1,633 969 35 ! j 159 12 101 301 301 664 84 64 0 17 85 151 257 187 112 3 j ', 18 1 10 14 66 75 11 7 1 6 1 49 12. Totals belonging to the schools, 31st Dec, 1884 ! 1,446 857 32 141 11 91 287 295 589 73 57 0 10 79 150 208 13. Increase or decrease in 1884 (line 12, less line 7) 14. Increase or decrease of number maintained (line 27, less line 3) 128 64 13 0 3 28 33 -19 64 8 11 1 10 17 30 -19 54 9 13 -1 2 24 -30 1 45 -7 5 16 20 11 Particulars of Commitments — 15. Destitute 16. Vagrant 17. Besiding in brothel or other disreputable place 18. Uncontrollable 19. Guilty of punishable offences 20. Agreement to pay for maintenance 195 11 23 27 37 20 95 9 10 20 33 8 7 1 4 4 4 1 10 1 4 2 2 27 1 2 4 4 20 3 2 4 12 29 i 100 2 13 7 4 12 14 *3 7 2 1 1 16 i 15 *4 22 *4 4 1 25 "l 2 2 "i 10 _ 7 i 3 Totals as in line No. 8 .. 175 16 24 4 38 47 46 138 19 17 1 17 23 31 30 313 Particulars of Discharges, &c— 21. Discharged by warrant 23. Transferred to other industrial schools 24. Died 175 2 107 1 3 17 1 10 13 1 63 68 1 9 1 6 5 1 47 10 4 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 2 Totals as in line No. 11 187 112 3 20 1 10 14 66 75 11 7 1 6 49 25. In the schools, 31st Dec, 1884 26. Boarded out, Slst Dec, 1884.. 675 384 403 212 4 27 84 18 8 80 113 74 108 93 272 172 12 28 50 4 16 79 45 00 66 84 27. Total number maintained, 31st Dec, 1884 28. At service, 31st Dec, 1884 .. 29. With friends, 31st Dec, 1884.. 30. In hospital, 31st Dec, 1884 .. 31. Absent without leave 1,059 615 31 102 8 80 187 201 444 40 50 4 16 79 105 150 201 163 4 19 121 101 2 18 i 24 11 1 2 4 1 45 45 2 8 47 41 80 G2 2 1 23 8 1 1 5 2 1 1 26 19 25 32 1 "i *6 Totals as in line No. 12 .. 1,446 857 32 141 11 91 287 295 589 73 57 6 16 79 208 150 * See ante, p. 2.