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New Zealand in connection with the correspondence on Native affairs which took place between him and Sir Arthur Gordon. I have, &c, ERED. STANLEY. Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G, C.8., &c.

No. 70. (New Zealand, No. 47.) Siß,— Downing Street, 22nd July, 1885. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 72, of the 23rd of May, transmitting a copy of a letter from Sir George Grey, and of a correspondence which had passed between the King of Samoa and himself. I have, &c, ERED. STANLEY. Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c.

A.-l, No. 50.

No. 71. (New Zealand, No. 48.) Sir, — Downing Street, 22nd July, 1885. In reply to your Despatch No. 42, of the 28th March last, I have the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, an Order in Council directing that the Colonial Attornies Belief Act shall, subject to the qualifications enacted by " The Colonial Attornies Relief Act Amendment Act, 1884," come into operation as to the Colony of New Zealand. I have, &c, ERED. STANLEY. Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c.

A.-l, No. 35.

Enclosure. At the Court at Windsor, the 24th day of June, 1885. Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, Lord Chancellor, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Marquis of Harrington, Earl of Derby, Earl Granville, Earl of Kimberley, Secretary Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Trevelyan, Sir Henry James. Wheeeas by the Colonial Attorneys Belief Act, passed in the twenty-first year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, it is enacted that Her Majesty may from time to time, by Order in Council, direct that Act to come into operation as to any one or more of Her Majesty's colonies or dependencies, and thereupon, but not otherwise, the provisions of the Act shall apply to persons duly admitted as attorneys and solicitors in the superior Courts of law and equity in such colonies or dependencies, but no such Order in Council shall be made in respect of any colony, except upon application made by the Governor or person exercising the functions of Governor of such colony or dependency, and until it shall be shown to the satisfaction of Her Majesty's. Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies that the system of jurisprudence as administered in such colony or dependency, and the qualification for admission as an attorney or solicitor in the superior Courts of law and equity in such colony or dependency, answer to and fulfil the conditions specified in section three of the said Act, and also that the attorneys or solicitors of the superior Courts of law or equity in England are admitted as attorneys and solicitors in the superior Ccurts of law and equity of such colony or dependency on production of their certificates of admission in the English Courts, without service or examination in the colony or dependency : And whereas by "The Colonial Attorneys Belief Act Amendment Act, 1884," it is enacted that upon application made by the Governor or person exercising the functions of Governor of any of Her Majesty's colonies Or dependencies, and after it has been shown to the satisfaction of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies that the system' of jurisprudence as administered in such colony or dependency answers to and fulfils the conditions specified in section three of the Colonial Attorneys Belief Act, and also that the attorneys and solicitors of the superior Courts of law or equity in England are admitted as attorneys and solicitors in the superior Courts of law and equity of such colony or dependency on production of their certificates of admission in the English Courts, without service in the colony or dependency, or examination, except in the laws of the colony or dependency in so far as they differ from the laws of England, Her Majesty may from time to time, by Order in Council, direct the Colonial Attorneys Belief Act to come into operation as to such colony or dependency, although persons may in certain A cases be admitted as attorneys or solicitors in. such colony or dependency without possessing all the qualifications for admission, or having fulfilled the conditions specified in the said section three, and thereupon, but not otherwise, the provisions of the Colonial Attorneys Belief Act shall apply