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TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1885, and the Liabilities on that Date.

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, Accountant, Public Works.

• This amount wa« not included in last year's table. t This amount includes an amount of £6 18s. gd. charged to " unauthorised."

Kumber of Table containing Details. Woris. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 18SJ. Expenditure during 12 Months ended .list March, 1885. Total Expenditure A ™e?£L 31st March, 1885. ufigjfigu. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. 2 Railways Roads .... Con! exploration and mine development Water supply on gold fields Aiding works on Thames Gold Fields Telegraphs Public buildings ... Lighthouses and harbour works Departmental £ b. d, 10,953,691 o 6 2,106,068 16 6 10,835 8 o £ 8. d. 663,063 7 7 167,060 19 3 £ a. d 11,616,754 8 1 2,275,129 15 9 10,835 8 o £ s. (1 497.524 19 10 214,124 3 2 £ 8. d. 12,114,279 7 ii 2,487,153 18 11 10,835 8 o 7 484,199 10 11 50,000 o c 8,029 1 9 492,228 12 8 50,000 o o 7,369 o o 499,597 12 8 50,000 o o 8 6 458,217 17 3 1,303,553 5 5 428,586 3 3 25.799 4 9 117,361 2 o 34,033 7 ° 484,017 2 o 1,420,914 7 5 462,619 10 3 6,000 o c 10,424 1 7 119,220 6 11 490,017 2 O 1,431,3:8 9 o 581,839 17 9 9 '97.439 '3 6 t30,156 10 2 227,596 3 «-/8 7;8 '4 3 228,374 17 11 Totais, Public Works 1 S.99 2.39' '5 4 ',°45>S°3 12 ' 17,038,0-15 7 10 855.44' S 9 >7,893,536 13 7 Roads and Bridges Construction Act Immigration Land Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans Interest and finking fund ... *ic6,398 io i 149,982 1 10 256,380 11 11 '66,329 s 5 422,709 17 4 2,036,793 12 9 921,692 13 3 392,218 19 3 795,411 12 i 57,148 9 2 70,57' 13 ° 2,093,942 1 11 992,264 6 3 392.218 19 3 808,933 o 6 8,000 o o 173,200 o o 2,101,942 1 11 1,165,464 6 3 392,218 19 3 808,933 o 6 '3.52' 8 5 218,500 o o 218,500 o o 218,500 o o Totals ... 20,463,607 2 9 '.336,727 4 " 21,800,334 7 8 23,003,304 18 10 1,202,970 11 2