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Table No. 5. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended the 31st December, 1883.

Table No. 6. Securities, &c, standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General, on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund, on the 31st December, 1883.

3Balances on 1st January, 1888. Transactions. Balances on 31st Docomber, 1883. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Ioney Obdeb Accounts :— Money orders Commission United Kingdom United States of America Victoria South Australia New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Western Australia £ s. d. 11,451 13 1 21,932 9 5 531 IG 4 121 5 9 £ s. d. 1,299 12 2 2,133 14 11 £ s. a. 580,042 7 7 1,637 19 9 92,602 4 1 4,233 4 3 25,214 13 3 1,384 11 G 12,806 4 7 1,597 10 6 2,380 2 3 251 18 G £ s. d. 578,897 12 0 1,330 4 3 98,551 18 10 1,162 9 1 25,293 8 0 1,764 2 6 12,046 1 1 1,511 8 8 2,586 0 5 185 15 6 £ s. d. 12,596 8 8 10,042 14 8 937 0 3 453 1 7 £ s. d, 991 IC 8 258 5 3 588 12 5 229 3 G 65 19 8 109 12 6 171 11 1 143 i a 271 17 IC 43 9 £ Savings Bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers 1,470,950 13 6 752 12 4 1,234,521 1 4 91,727 10 1 1,295,719 18 3 91,644 1 2 1,409,751 16 7 836 1 3 'elegbaph Accounts: — Eeceipts New South Wales New Zealand and Australian Cable 699 14 5 352 8 6 78 4 0 123,950 16 3 20,075 5 8 9,653 10 10 123,G28 3 10 20,056 9 11 9,684 19 2 244 8 5 718 10 2 321 0 2 Ievenue Accounts :— Stamps Postal Guides Private-box and bag rent's Miscellaneous revenue Money order commission Revenue —Total 63,157 1 0 0 12 G 132,158 8 2 293 0 0 4,150 0 0 27,120 12 10 9,022 10 6 165,024 15 7 128,279 4 9 293 G 0 4,150 0 0 27,120 12 10 9,022 10 6 103,490 4 3 67,03G 4 5 0 G C 424 1 8 1,958 13 0 rENERAL ACCOUNTS :— Post Office Account Postmasters and Telegraphists .. Investments Accrued interest on investments Advances to Treasury for payment of foreign money orders Commission on postage stamps .. Gratuities for carriage of mails .. Miscellaneous expenses License fees Government Insurance receipts .. Registration of births, &o. Receipts under Live-Stock Acts .. Machinery fees Property-Tax Oyster fees Vaccination fees Profit and loss Commission to Postmasters from Government Insurance General —Miscellaneous receipts 494 7 9 78 4 G 546 3 0 39,521 10 7 8(3,250 19 5 1,424,021 10 0 6,944 8 10 18,883 4 5 10 1 8 369 14 7 210 13 1 1,180,013 1 7 2,457,033 5 0 430,100 0 0 6,944 8 10 35,264 7 5 356 18 8 -4,172 11 1 4,762 11 11 1,808 1 0 7,532 7 2 886 2 3 17,180 14 4 2,415 0 0 262,375 IG 5 0 5 0 3 8 11 68,450 5 9 1,169,668 5 6 2,457,808 14 8 384,000 0 0 17,876 8 7 26,000 0 0 403 6 G 4,338 0 8 5,843 0 11 1,808 1 0 7,503 16 0 894 4 3 17,427 37 10 2,217 0 0 258,069 IG 3 0 5 0 8 8 11 68,872 15 9 522 18 11 70 2 G 298 19 G 198 0 0 5,209 19 8 29,176 14 C 87,092 9 1 1,377,921 10 C 17,876 8 7 9,618 17 C 56 9 6 535 4 2 1,291 2 1 903-5 19 6 8,325 18 6 7,909 8 G 180 19 5 15 10 0 180 19 5 15 10 0 Totals 1,580,723 1 9 1,580,723 1 9 7,019,410 2 17,019,410 2 8 jl, 525,277 5 10 1,525,277 5 It

Description of Securities, &c. Nominal Value. Value at Cost Price. Interest and Dividends accrued but not received at cud of the Year. Oamaru Harbour Mortgages, 5J por cents Patea Harbour Debentures, 7 per cents Oamaru Town Corporation Debentures, 7 per cents North Rakaia River Bonds, 6 per cents ,, ,, G per cents Consolidated Loan, 4 per cents Westland Loan, 5 per cents Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870, 4 per cents ,, ,, 4J per cents Waimakariri River Bonds, 6 per cents General Purposes Loan, 5 per cents „ „ 4 per cents Defence Loan, 4 per cents .. ii „ General Purposes LoanA per cents Debentures issued under TreasuryJBills Acts, 1879 .. ' „"- 1880 .. Deficiency Bills, 5 per cents Inscribed Stock, 5 per "cents Short-dated Debentures issued under Treasury Bills Act (sold on 1st December, 1883) Post Office Account £ s. d. 33,500 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0,000 0 0 13', 000 0 0 50,000 0 0 173,200 0 0 14,900 0 0 4,500 0 0 142,000 0 0 5,200 0 0 75,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 49,500 0 O 138,900 0 0 159,200 0 0 251,300 0 0 250,000 0 0 £ s. d. 33,500 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 12,480 0 0 50,800 0 0 16(3,272 0 0 14,527 10 0 4,500 0 0 142,GOO 0 0 4,342 0 0 72,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 49,500 0 0 £ s. d. 772 6 8 101 12 • 8 132 6 6 29 18 5 15 15 7 109 13 11 527 7 11 1,461 10 4 141 8 11 44 7 8 898 11 5 43 17 7 G32 17 G 108 9 10 ] 298,100 0 0 10,GIG 17 8 251,300 0 0 250,000 0 0 1,027 7 11 958 18 1 253 0 0 Totals [1,388,800 [1,377,921 10 0 17,87G 8 7