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11. Number of Postal Officers employed. 12. Comparative Eeturn of Postal Bevenue and Number of Letters, &c, dealt with. 13. Estimated Number of Letters, &c, delivered and posted. 14. Number of Letters, &c, delivered by Letter-carriers. 15. Statement of Correspondence received from the United Kingdom via San Francisco andui-i Brindisi. 16. Statement of Correspondence despatched to the United Kingdom via San Francisco and via Brindisi. 17. Number of Letters, &c, received and despatched from and to Places outside the Colony. 18. Total estimated Bevenue and Expenditure Eeturn (Postal), including the estimated Value of franked Correspondence for the Calendar Year. 19. Telegraph Eevenue and Expenditure Beturn, showing Cost of Maintaining each Station. 20. Number of Telegrams forwarded to each 100 Letters posted. 21. Comparative Quarterly Beturn (Telegraph Messages and Eevenue) for Years ended December, 1882 and 1883. 22. Eeturn showing Annual Comparative Progress of Telegraph System. 23. Eeturn of Cost of Maintenance of Lines. 24. Insulation Tests, Cook Strait Cables. 25. Insulation Tests, Wanganui and Wakapuaka Cable. 26. Total Cost of Telegraph Lines, including Cables. 27. Number and Value of Telegraph Money Orders issued. 28. Value of Government and other Free Messages. 29. Debtor and Creditor Statement (Telegraph).