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Sess. 11.—1884. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

To His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir W. E. Drummond Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.E., Governor of New Zealand, &c, &c. May it please your Excellency,— „ . Acting under the instructions which I had the honour to receive by the Commission dated 2nd January, 1884, I went to Ashburton on the 19th January and put myself in communication with the Chairman of the Ashburton County Council and with the Mayor of Ashburton. I agreed with them that I should proceed to Mount Somers to examine the district and take evidence from the settlers. I went there on the same day, and on Monday, the 21st, I rode over the country towards the Upper Hinds and Rangitata, returning by the back of the Gawlor Downs to the~ South Ashburton Gorge. On Tuesday, the 22nd, I took evidence from the settlers of the Mount Somers District, and then drove over part of the country. On the 23rd I rode over all the district between the South and North Ashburton and up to the Alford Eorest, and I returned to Ashburton on Thursday, the 24th, by way of the Forks of the Ashburton. On Eriday and Saturday I "took evidence from residents of Ashburton, and returned to Christchurch by the evening train. _ Erom the evidence taken, and my observation of the district to be affected by the proposed extension of the South Ashburton. Railway, I have the honour to submit the following report to your Excellency :— The line of railway the extension of which forms the subject of this inquiry proceeds from the Township of Tinwald, on the south bank of the Ashburton River: leaving the main line it follows the bank of the river to the station called Anama, nineteen and a half miles from. Tinwald, and it has recently been extended to the station of Cavendish, twenty-two and a half miles from Tinwald. The terminus is on the south bank of the river, one and a half miles from the Township "of Mount Somers: between the terminus and the township there is a good road passing over the river by a substantial bridge. This township is placed at the southern border of the Mount Somers agricultural district, and for some years past there has been a difference of opinion among the settlers' in the neighbourhood as to whether the line should be extended across the river-and into the settled part of the Mount Somers District, or carried on up the south bank towards the Gorge of the Ashburton River. I—D. 2.