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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. <-85. ■*•> 188' PEISONS— continued. £ fl5 90 97 98 99 100 VOTE No. 27— continued. Other Charges— continued. Medicines and Medical Comforts Other Necessaries ... ... ... Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &e. ... Uniforms for Prison Officers Contingencies and Travelling Expenses Gratuity to ox-Assistant ■ Warder Brace on discharge through ill-health G50 ; 400 500 500 2,000 G3 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 16,833 2,000 Total—Vote No. 27 ... 14,833 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 36,378 i 2 8 i VOTE No. 28. Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Remission of Finei Subsidy towards publication of New Zealand Law Reports Amount recommended to be refuu3ed by Public Petitions Committee to .I. Corley Compensation to John Shearer Contingencies 50 100 200 3,434 0 0 34 50 3,000 Total—Vote No. 28 ... TOTAL OE CLASS IV. £11 ,754