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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services.

1884-85. Salaries. Other Charges, i Other Charges. Total. " I ! £ £ £ £ Vote 15.—Treasury Department ... 7,848 100 100 7,948 „ 16.—Property-Tax Department ... 4,695 2,800 „ 17.—Friendly Societies' Registry Office 550 900 2,800 7,495 900 1,450 „ 18.—Miscellaneous Services ... 2,200 33,595 33,595 35,795 TOTAL OF CLASS III. ... 15,293 37,395 37,395 52,088 T . S2 ■ 18C Itom. 1 (4-85. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1884-85. Total number of offiocrt ... !S5 £ £ VOTE No. 15. SALARIES — 1 I Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral (also Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds £50) ... ... . 700 2 Accountant to the Treasurr ... ... ... j 500 8 Chief Clerk and Cashier - ... ... ... I 450 4 First Clerk, Accountant's Office ... ... 290 5 3 Clerks, 1 at £225, 1 at £225 (also £75 from Imperial Pensions Fund), and 1 at £185 ... ... G35 0 First Clerk, Record Ollico ... ... ... I 315 7 Clerk ... ... ... j 220 8 Cadet ... ... ... 85 9 Clerk for Loan Accounts ... .. ... 290 10 Cadet ... ... ... 85 .11 First Clerk, Receiver-General's Branch ... ... 300 12 G Clerks, 1 at £275, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 1 at £150 ... ... 1,881 13 First Clerk, Paymaster-General's Branch ... ... 300 U 12 Clerks, 2 at £250, 1 at £215, 1 at £190, 1 at £160, 1 at £155, 2 at £140, 2 at £145,1 at £125, 1 at £110 I 2,025 15 2 Cadets, 1 at £80, 1 at £60 ... ... j 140 1G 1 Binder at £8 lOi. per week ... ... ... 182 '2 3 4 5 G 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t • i 7,848 Other Ciiahgks— 17 Contingencies ... ... ... 100 17 Total —A'otf. No. 15 ... ... 7,91-8 PROPERTY-TAX DEPAETMENT. — 1884-85 -_ Total number of oHicpfs ... 22 VOTE No. 16." Salaktks — 1 j Commissioner (also Secretary Tor Stamps and Secretary for Land and Deeds £250) ... ... 450 2 j Deputy Commissioner ... ... ... 500 3 I Chief Clerk ... ... ... 400 4—B. 2. 1 9 a