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The following table contains information respecting the children that belonged to the industrial schools and orphanages during the year 1883. The same information concerning each of the institutions is given in a separate parliamentary paper (E.-3, 1884) :—

TABLE Q. —Summary of Admissions, Withdrawals, etc., for Year 1883.

Table Q shows that 1,056 committed children belonged to the industrial schools at the beginning of the year, and 1,319 at its close. The number of fresh commitments to the schools during the year was 320, but, as 52 children had been discharged and 5 had died m that period, the actual increase for the year was 263. Notwithstanding this very large increase in the number of children belonging to the industrial schools, the number m residence had decreased from 822 to 800. This is owing to the large number that have been placed out at service or with friends, and to the successful operation of the scheme for boarding out the younger children with foster-parents. The following are the numbers of non-resident children at the beginning and at the close of 1883 : — Jan. 1, 1883. Doc. 31, 1883. Increase. At service 77 104 27 With friends 151 198 47 Boarded with foster-parents 209 209 Absent without leave 6 12 6 Totals 234 523 289 Under the repealed Act the children were released from the control of the school on the expiry of their several terms of committal, by the Act of 1882 all are committed for detention m the school till they attain the age of fifteen

jmmitti id. NO! i-committod. Totals. Boys. Girls. I I Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girla. Total, . , 1. In the schools, 31st December, 1882 2. At service, 31st December, 1882 3. With friends, 31st December, 1882 4. Absent without-leave, 31st December, 1882 487 52 79 6 335 I 25 72 I 822 77 I 151 6 90 123 213 577 52 79 6 458 25 72 1,035 77 151 6 5. Total belonging to schools, 31st December, 1882 6. New admissions during 1883 624 197 432 j 123 I 1,066 \ 320 90 21 123 16 213 37 714 218 555 139 1,269 357 7 Number to' be accounted for, 31st December, 1883 8. Number discharged or died during 1883 821 26 I 555 31 I . 1,376 57 111 19 139 25 250 44 932 45 694 56 1,626 101 9 Total belonging to the schools, 31st December, 1883 Increase in 1883 795 524 1,319 92 114 206 887 638 1,525 171 92 263 2 -9 _rj 83 256 173 Particulars of new admissions — 10. Destitute 11. Vagrant 12. Ecsiding in brothel or disreputable place 13. Uncontrollable 14. Guilty of punishable offence 15. Governor's order in lieu of imprisonment 77 46 20 17 35 2 71 24 17 8 1 2 148 70 37 25 36 4 21 16 37 98 46 20 17 35 2 87 24 17 8 1 2 185 70 37 25 36 4 Totals as in line No. 6 197 320 j i 21 16 37 218 139 357 123 Particulars of discharges and deaths — 16. Discharged by warrant 17 Discharged on reaching age of twenty-one 18. Died 24 27 1 3 51 1 5 17 23 40 41 50 1 5 91 1 9 2 2 2 4 4 Totals as in line No. 8 26 31 57 19 25 44 56 101 45 Particulars of children belonging to the schools, 31st December, 1883 — 19. In the schools 20. At service 21. With friends 22. Boarded out with foster-parents 23. Absent without leave 512 65 113 94 11 288 39 85 111 1 800 104 198 205 12 91 111 202 603 65 113 95 11 399 39 85 114 1 1,002 104 198 209 12 1 3 4 Totals as in line No. 9 795 524 1 319 92 J J 114 887 638 1 525 206 ! ! Changes of status during year 1883— 24. Eeturned from service 25. Eeturned from friends 26. Sent to service 27 Placed with friends 28. Boarded out with foster-parents 29. Absconded 5 5 21 42 94 7 3 16 21 111 1 5 8 37 63 205 8 5 5 21 42 95 7 3 16 21 114 1 5 8 37 63 209 8