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was £7 55., while for the comparatively small districts of Westland and Wanganui the payments were £237 9s. 6d. and £160 Bs. 3d. respectively Hawke's Bay and Marlborough are the only districts in which no payment is made to the members of the Board. The aggregate of the payments to members has increased from £649 14s. 7d. to £883 7s. 9d., or to the extent of £233 13s. 2d. beyond that of 1882. The following table shows the average cost for the year of each scholar in average daily attendance in the several Board districts, for Board's management, for school inspection (including examination of pupil-teachers), for the current maintenance of the schools, and for school buildings respectively The gross amount of expenditure under these four heads is given in the first four lines of Table F2. The corresponding figures for each Board are contained in the Appendix, Table No. 2, columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 :—

TABLE F3.—Expenditure per Scholar by Boards.

The table shows an increase m the cost of the Boards' management and inspection to the extent of 3|d. per scholar, and a decrease of 2d. per head on account of maintenance. The actual increase in the current expenditure was therefore at the rate of l£d. The receipt by the Boards for a full year of the special capitation grant of ss. has probably led to the increase in the expenditure on management and inspection. The increase per scholar on account of school buildings is owing to the larger amount voted by the General Assembly for that object. As the expenses of the four training institutions are included in the Maintenance Account, the average cost per scholar in the Districts of Auckland, Wellington, North Canterbury, and Otago appears somewhat higher than it would otherwise have done. In considering the average current expenditure for each scholar in the several Board districts, it has to be kept in mind that the Board funds are made up not only from the capitation grant of £3 155., but also from the votes of the General Assembly for scholarships, inspection subsidy, the special capitation grant of 55., and from local receipts. The income of the Boards from local

* In Tables F3 and H, and in Tables Nos. 2 and 3 of the Appendix, two lines of figures are given for Westland. Line No. 1 represents the moneys actually passed and paid by the Board within the year, and line No. 2 the total amounts passed for the payment of which cheques on the bank were drawn. But owing to the Board's want of funds, and the stoppage of its credit at the bank, cheques of the aggregate amount of £4,767 2s. lid. proved valueless. The difference between the two lines in each of the four tables mentioned is the amount represented by the Board's valueless cheques on December 31,1883. See notes prefixed to the Westland returns, pages 35 and 82 of the Appendix.

Education Disteicts. 'o m O CO OJ3 IS s <D - cp ocB Cβ l-f Si ,Q O » P o . oflg 0c co as ri γ-i h d Cost per Scholar for the Year 1883, calculated Attendance. Current Expenditure. >n the Aven tge Daily Total Current Expenditure and Buildings Boards' --. . Manage- Inspection, ment. tenanoe. Totals. School Buildings. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson North Canterbury South Canterbury Westland, No. 1* 1 Westland, No. 2 J Otago Southland 192 36 67 53 36 29 82 143 39 490 61 126 169 95 42 126 446 95 13,079 1,446 3,967 5,204 2,755 1,059 3,247 12,753 2,955 s. a. 2 6J 4 0J 4 6} 2 9| 2 7| 3 4| 3 0 2 3 3 10 j 8 7 1 10 5J 1 9£ 2 74 s. a. 3 01 4 1* 2 9§ 2 9J 4 111 3 8£ 3 21 2 2 3 4J 3 ll| 4 llj 2 54 2 5 £ s. a. 3 17 Of 3 9 10| 3 15 8 4 3 84 3 12 8| 3 19 1 4 0 7f ■ 4 1 llf 3 12 8f 3 3 6J 3 11 Of 3 19 6f 3 13 11 £ s. d. 4 2 7£ 3 18 0 4 3 0J 4 9 3J 4 0 31 4 6 2 4 6 10 4 6 4| 3 19 ll| 3 3 6} 4 6 5| 4 3 9J 3 18 114 £ s. a. 17 6 13 3 16 5 1 4 0J 1 12 4 2 2 If 0 14 4 16 2 2 4 3J 0 10 8f 1 19 6| 0 19 6| 1 6 44 £ s. a. 5 10 11 5 13 5 9 5J 5 13 3| 5 12 7J 6 8 3J 5 12 4 12 6f 6 4 3 4 6 9J 6 6 OJ 5 3 41 5 5 4 35 81 2,319 159 72 433 127 16,659 4,400 Totals for 1883 Totals for 1882 943 911 2,291 2,143 69,843 66,145 2 9J 2 6f 2 9| 2 9 3 18 0£ 3 18 2J 4 3 7| 4 3 6J 1 4 10 1 1 8| 5 8 5} 5 5 3 Increase 82 148 3,698 0 2J 0 Of -0 0 2 0 0 1J 0 3 1J 0 3 2J Totals for 1883 eal-\ culated on mean of roll-numbers at L ends of four quarters—91,011 ' j Similar totals for 1882 2 1J 2 2 2 19 10J 3 4 2 0 19 0| 4 3 2f 1 11J 2 1J 2 19 8J 3 3 9J 0 16 7 4 0 4J