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£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,712 10 0 Brought forward GLASS III.—COLONIAL TREASURER— continued. Vote No. 17 —Miscellaneous— continued. Item 2—Salary of Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Fund, 1st April, 1883, to 29th February, 1884 45 16 § Item 3—Expenses of investment of Sinking Fund, under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Commission at J per cent, on redemption of £136,000, 5 per cent. Consols Notarial charges Advertising Miscellaneous .. . .-*• 680 0 0 13 13 0 16 14 6 5 15 1 » 71G 2 7 Item 4—Exchange and commission on remittances and payments of dividends, — Commission on remittances by post and telegraph in the colony Commission on payment of interest, — Bank of New Zealand Union Bank of Australia Crown Agents Bank of England London and Westminster Bank 30 12 8 186 2 3 2,355 19 1 57 10 0 .45 17 6 3,825 5 0 2,676 1 6 Discount on bills drawn on the Agent-General, — Bank of New Zealand Commission on money-orders Exchange on drafts, — On Australia On London On New York .. .. 72 1 2 9 19 6 0 4 0 375 0 0 65 2 6 82 4 8 Bank of New Zealand, for exchange on moneys provided in London to meot intorost and sinking fund, — At 37s. 6d. per cent. At 40s. per cent. .. 13,238 0 11 11,022 8 10 24,260 9 9 17 14 10 Miscellaneous 31,301 18 3 Item 5—Expenses attending the payment of Imperial pensions,— Salaries, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 Travelling allowance and expenses Advertising Miscellaneous 824 15 0 7 10 0 11 0 9 15 14 3 859 0 0 Item 6—Stamp duty on debentures under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1879," and " The Treasury Bills Act, 1880,"— Stamp duty on £890,000 at 2s. 6d. per cent. 1,112 10 0 -"ii Item 7 —Contingencies,— Advertising and subscription to newspapers Travelling allowance and expenses of Private Secretary to Colonial Troasurer, — Travelling allowance Travelling expenses 26 15 6 36 7 6 13 1 10 49 9 4 Postage and revenue stamps, London Stamp duty on Draft drawn on the Royal Mint, London.. Expenses in connection with exportation of worn silver coin Freight and expenses in connection with bronze coin Extra clerical assistanco Law costs Telegrams to London Assistant binder, wages 2 April, 1883, to 29 March, 1884 Miscellaneous 31 8 6 0 8 0 8 16 6 4 13 5 29 10 0 5 10 0 18 18 8 143 0 0 92 11 9 411 1 8 ■ % Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 17 £37,158 19 2