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STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Consolidated Fund for the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1884, compared with the Sums voted under "The Appropriation Act, 1883."



at > Issued. Voted. Amount unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. Oil Class I.—Legislative :— Legislative £ s. d. 41,738 12 4 1 £ s. d. 1,182 4 3 £ s. d. 40,556 8 1 £ s. d. 1,245 6 2 £ s. d. 41,801 14 3 £ s. d. 41,843 0 0 £ s. a. 41 5 9 £ s. d. Total Class I. 41,738 12 4 1,182 4 3 40,556 8 1 1,245 6 2 41,801 14 3 41,843 0 0 41 5 9 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Class II. —Colonial Secbetaby: — Premier's Office Colonial Secretary's Office Messengers and Office-keepers Electoral Audit Office Registrar-General Geological and Meteorological Agent-General Charitable Lunatic Asylums Printing and Stationery Stock Branch Miscellaneous Services .. : 450 0 0 1,888 12 9 3,365 3 2 2,039 4 8 8,500 16 11 7,448 9 10 3,448 14 7 3,739 0 10 88,520 2 7 44,027 10 3 29,303 9 0 30,955 10 10 21,818 2 6 42 17 6 34 17 0 48 9 8 26 17 10 450 0 0 1,888 12 9 3,365 3 2 1,996 7 2 8,465 19 11 7,400 0 2 3,421 16 9 3,739 0 10 84,533 11 7 38,856 8 5 25,425 14 5 29,235 4 9 21,532 16 7 42' 8 0 59 15 0 450 0 0 1,888 12 9 3,365 3 2 1,996 7 2 8,508 7 11 7,400 0 2 3,481 11 9 3,739 0 10 84,678 3' 7 38,958 10 11 25,567 14 4 29,327 19 4 21,532 16 7 450 0 0 1,905 0 0 3,370 0 0 2,955 0 0 8,732 0 0 7,329 0 0» 3,640 0 0 3,700 0 0 83,900 0 0 37,743 0 0 22,022 0 0 25,600 0 0» 24,458 0 0 16 7 3 4 16 10 958 12 10 223 12 1 158 8 3 71 0 2 3,986 11 0 5,171 1 10 3,877 14 7 1,720 6 1 285 5 11 144 12 0 102 2 6 141 19 11 92 14 7 39 0 10 778 3 7 1,215 10 11 3,545 14 4 3,727 19 4 2,925 3 X 5 Total Class II. 245,504 17 11 15,194 1 5 230,310 16 6 583 12 0 230,894 8 6 225,804 0 0 4,287 0 8 9,377 9 2 15 16 17 Class III. —Colonial Tbeasubee :— Treasury Department Property-Tax Department Miscellaneous Services 7,790 5 10 20,338 11 7 37,711 17 10 12 1 9 155 4 11 552 18 8 7,778 4 1 20,183 6 8 37,158 19 2 7,778 4 1 20,183 6 8 37,176 18 10 7,948 0 0 16,599 0 0 25,813 0 0 169 15 11 3,584 6 8 11,363 18 10 17 19 8 Total Class III. 65,840 15 3 720 5 4 65,120 9 11 17 19 8 65,138 9 7 50,360 0 0 169 15 11 14,948 5 6 18 19 20 21 22 Class IV. —Ministeb of Justice :— Department of Justice.. Crown Law Office Patent Office Supreme Court District, Resident Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts Criminal Prosecutions Coroners Contingencies Prisons 714 3 4 2,275 0 0 191 2 5 8,382 19 4 3 5 0 714 3 4 2,275 0 0 191 2 5 8,379 14 4 26" 0 5 714 3 4 2,275 0 0 191 2 5 8,405 14 9 735 0 0 2,275 0 0 245 0 0 8,430 0 0 20 16 8 53 17 7 24 5 3 23 24 25 2G 50,092 14 7 10,870 15 11 2,748 5 0 4,787 19 3 39,636 0 4 73 11 7 55 8 6 0 2 6 Si 15 8 3,317 1 6 50,019 3 0 10,815 7 5 2,748 2 6 4,753 3 7 36,318 18 10 28 0 2 1,061 16 2 50,047 3 2 11,877 3 7 2,748 2 6 4,803 16 1 36,418 14 4 49,884 0 0 12,450 0 0 c 3,000 0 0 5,109 0 0a 38,644 0 0 e 572 16 5 251 17 6 305 3 11 2,225 5 8 163 3 2 50 12 6 99 15 6 Total Class IV. 119,699 0 2 3,484 4 9 116,214 15 5 1,266 4 9 117,481 0 2 120,772 0 0 3,454 3 0 163 3 2 a Exclusive of £1,500 transferred to Vote 13, under Order in Council dated 20th March, 1884. Inclusive of £250 transferred from Vote 26, under Order in Council dated 20th March, 1884. Exclusive of £1,000 transferred to Votes 23 and 25, under Order in Council dated 20th March, 1884. •> Inclusive of £1,500 transferred from Vote 7, under Order in Council dated 20th March, 1884, * Inclusive of £750 transferred from Vote 26, under Order in Council dated 20th March, 1884.