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STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1884, under "The Civil List Act 1863 Amendment Act, 1873."


j CIVIL LIST. FIKST DIVISION. £ s. a. _■_ _*. _■_ V f^-/ -ft- Jl—' _A_ T -*- *~J -*- -*- 1 ■ Hib Excellency the Govebnor :— Sir William Francis Drummond Jcrvois, G.O.M.G., C.B.,^ 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 £ s. d. £ s. a. The Judges :— The Chief Justice,— Sir James Prendergast, K.C.M.G., 1 April, 1883, to 31 December, 1883 The Puisne Judges :— T. B. Gillies, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 .. C. W. Eichmond, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 A. G. Johnston, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 J. S. Williams, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 5,000 0 0 1,275 0 0 Establishment of the Genebal Government :— The Premier, — Sir F. A. Whitaker, K.C.M.G., 1 April to"24, September, 1883 H. A. Atkinson, 25 September, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Colonial Treasurer, — H. A. Atkinson, 1 April, 1883, to 24 September, 1883 .. 25 September, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Colonial Secretary,— T. Dick, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Minister of Lands, Immigration, and Mines, — W. Bolleston, 1 April, 1883,[to 31 March, 1884 The Minister for Public Works, — W. W. Johnston, 1 April, 1883, to 23 November, 1883 .. E. Mitchelson, 24 November, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 .. The Minister for Native Affairs, — J. Bryce, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Minister of Justice and Attorney-General,— E. T. Conolly, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Postmastor-Gencral and Electric Telegraph Commissioner,— T. Dick, 1 April to 24 September, 1883 R. Oliver, 25 September, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Minister of Education, — T. Dick, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Commissioner of Trade and Customs, — H. A. Atkinson, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 The Commissioner of Stamps,— H. A. Atkinson, 1 April, 1883, to 31 March, 1884 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 7,275 0 0 845 16 8 904 3 4 1,750 0 0 604 3 4 604 3 4 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 809 0 6 440 19 6 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 645 16 8 645 16 8 9,250 0 0 Carried forward .. 21,525 0 0