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A communication was read from Messrs. Leefe and Langton, claiming to have been appointed by the European portion of the community of Fiji, requesting to be permitted to present a Memorial, and to represent that Colony at the Convention. The consideration of the subject was deferred. Mr. Dalley moved, That in all official references to their body the term Conference should be employed in lieu of Convention; but after some discussion, and on its being pointed out that some of the commissions of members contained the word Convention, the motion was by leave withdrawn, and it was arranged the word Convention should be used. Mr. Seevice moved, " That the Press be admitted on such occasions as from Time to time this Convention may determine," but afterwards withdrew the motion, and gave notice of it for the next day. Me. Dibbs proposed, and Mb. Beay seconded, the following motion, which was unanimously adopted:— 1. That in referring to the several Colonies represented in any proceedings of the Convention, the names be placed in alphabetical order. 2. That in the event of any Division upon a motion, the votes of the Colonies shall be taken, in lieu of the individual votes of their Eepresentatives. 3. That the Order of Debate be the same as is observed in consideration of Questions in a Committee of the Whole House of Parliament, but that the Chairman have the same right as any other member to take part in the discussion of any Questions. 4. That Mr. Alex. C. Budge be the Secretary to the Convention, and that he be required to keep Minutes of each day's proceedings, which shall be printed and circulated. Me. Geiffith moved, and it was resolved, " That the Minutes of each day's proceedings be made public by the Secretary." Mr. Stuaet laid before the Convention a letter from His Excellency Governor Dcs Vceux, of Fiji, to His Excellency Lord Augustus Loftus, covering a, memorandum on the future of New Guinea and Polynesia, with reference to the Question of Australasian Annexation or Protectorate. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Beay moved, and it was unanimously resolved, That the Conference meet daily at 10 o'clock, a.m., unless otherwise ordered. Mr. Giblin laid before the Convention a letter from Mr. Audley Coote, Hawaaian Consul, Hobart, Tasmania, protesting against annexation of the various Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Giblin moved, That a Committee consisting of Messrs. Service, Atkinson, and Griffith, be appointed to examine the correspondence and other papers laid before the Convention, with a view to the printing of such portion as may be considered necessary. The Convention deliberated upon the order of their proceedings. Me. Seevice undertook to hand to the Secretary a draft of Resolutions to be submitted to the Convention embodying the views of the Representatives of Victoria. Me. Geiffith handed to the Secretary a draft of Resolutions embodying the views of the Representatives of Queensland. Ordered that the draft Resolutions be printed and circulated amongst members of the Convention. The Convention adjourned at 4 p.m.

At the Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney. mh NOVEMBER, 1883. (Second Day.) Present .— Mji: His Excellency Sic G-. William Dcs V<eitx, K.C.M.G., Governor of Fiji and H.B.M.'s Acting High Commissioner for the Western Pacific. New South Wales: The Honobable Alexandeb Stitaet, M.P., Premier and Colonial Secretary. The Honorable Geoege Richaed Dibbs, M.P., Colonial Treasurer. The Honoeable William Bede Dallet, Q. 0., M.L.C., Attorney- General. New Zealand: The Honobable Majoe Haeby Albeet Atkinson, M.P., Premier and Colonial Treasurer. The Honoeable Feedeeick Whitakee, M.L.C., late Premier and Attorney-General. Queensland: The Honoeable Samuel Walkee Geiffith, Q. 0., M.P., Premier and Colonial Secretary. The Honoeable James Feancis Gabeick, Q.C., M.L.C., Postmaster General. South