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and rewards of merit, and entitled to rank, precedence, and consideration in the United Kingdom and in the British colonies and possessions. The Agent-General for the colony has been requested to repay to this department the sum of £70 25., being the amount of the expenses incurred in passing these Letters Patent. I have, &c. Governor Sir William Jervois, G.C.M.G. C.B. &c. DEEBY.

Enclosure. New Zealand. Supplementaet Chaeteb granting and declaring that Degrees in Science conferred by the University of New Zealand shall be recognized as Academic Distinctions and Eewards of Merit, and entitled to Bank, Precedence, and Consideration in the United Kingdom and in the British Colonies and Possessions. Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India. To all to ■whom these presents shall come, greeting. [Dated Ist December, 1883.] Preamble: Recites petition, dated 20th June, 1882; recites Local Act, No. 2, of 1883. Wheeeas by our Charter under the Great Seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date at Westminster the twenty-ninth day of July, 1876, in the fortieth year of our reign, we did will, grant, and declare that the degrees of bachelor and master in arts and bachelor and doctor in law, medicine, and music, thereafter to be granted or conferred by the University of New Zealand, should be recognized as academic distinctions and rewards of merit, and be entitled to rank, precedence, and consideration in our United Kingdom and in our colonies and possessions throughout the world, as fully as if the said degrees had been granted by any University of our said United Kingdom: And whereas our trusty and well-beloved Sir James Prendergast, Knight, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, the officer administering the Government of our said colony and its dependencies, hath forwarded to us, through one of our Principal Secretaries of State, a petition from the Chancellor and Senate of the University of New Zealand, dated the 20th of June, 1882, praying for an extension of our said Charter of the 29th day of July, 1876, and for the recognition of degrees in science to be conferred by the said University : And whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act, the short title whereof is " The New Zealand University Act 1874 Amendment Act, 1883," the Senate of the University of New Zealand is now empowered to confer the degrees of bachelor and doctor in science : Recognition of Degrees of Bachelor and Doctor in Science. Now know ye that we, taking the premises into consideration, do will, grant, and declare that the degrees of bachelor and doctor in science hereafter to be granted or conferred by the University of New Zealand shall be recognized as academic distinctions and rewards of merit, and be entitled to rank, precedence, and consideration in our United Kingdom and in our colonies and possessions throughout the world, as fully as if the said degrees had been granted by any University of our said United Kingdom. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witness ourself at Westminster, the first day of December, in the forty-seventh year of our reign. By warrant under the Queen's Sign-Manual. Paimee.

No. 22. The Seceetaey of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Goveenoe. (New Zealand, No. 69.) Sic, — Downing Street, 10th December, 1883. I have the honour to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied your Despatch No. 75, of the 6th October :—

A.-l, No. 8,

No. 1. " An Act to validate the Sittings and Proceedings of the Supreme Court lately held at Gisborne, and also to validate the Sittings and Proceedings of the District Court lately held at Gisborne aforesaid." No. 2. "An Act to amend ' The New Zealand University Act, 1874.'" No. 3. "An Act to extend the Immunities to Witnesses examined before Select Committees of either House of the General Assembly." No. i. "An Act to give effect to certain Provisions of an Act of the Imperial Parliament cited as ' The Fugitive Offenders Act, 1881.'"

No. 5. "An Act to consolidate certain Enactments regulating the Appointment and Duties of Sherifis." No. 6. " An Act to amend ' The Prisons Act, 1882.' " No. 7. "An Act for consolidating the Law relating to the Execution of Criminals." No. 8. "An Act to codify the Law relating to Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Promissory Notes." No. 9. " An Act to make further Provisions in Eelation to Bills of Sale." No. 10. " An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Bankruptcy." No. 11. " An Act to amend ' The Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880." "