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TABLE N — continued. Hours and Detail of Duties in the Prisons throughout the Year— continued.

By Authority: Geohgb Didsbubt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB4.


Summer. Duties, &c. Winter. 7 a.m. .. 7.30 „ .'. '8 „ .. «,55 „ .. 9 till 11.55 11.15 a.m. .. L2 noon 12.15 p.m. .. Sundays throughout the Year. Bell rings, prisoners rise, wash, dress, make up hammocks or beds, and fold blankets; Night Lock-up Report examined by Gaoler or Chief Warder, keys checked and taken over from night orderly officer. Officers (division on duty) parade, keys issued, muster of prisoners taken, slops collected, and breakfasts served in cells. Officers parade, keys collected and muster given in ; officers leave for breakfast, breakfast patrol taking charge. Officers parade, keys issued, muster taken, slops collected, and prisoners unlocked for exercise. Divine service and exercise, names taken to see Gaoler. Dinner patrol officers leave for dinner. Prisoners paraded, mustered, and marched to cells ; dinners served. Officers parade, keys collected and muster given in; officers leave for dinner, dinner patrol taking charge. Officers parade, keys issued, and prisoners unlocked. Names taken for writing, and Divine service held, exercise, &o. Prisoners parade, searched, and locked up in their cells; suppers served, Lock-up Report signed by officers'; officers parade, keys collected, orderly officer, evening patrols, and reserve guard taking charge. Officers not detailed for duty leave for the night, evening duties same as week-days. 1.55 „ .. 2-4 „ .. 4.45 „ .. 5 „ .. The night watch officer who relieves the evening patrol is always posted at 8 p.m. and relieved at 6 a.m. following morning by an officer or officers detailed for that purpose. Duties on holidays same as Sundays. Winter hours unquoted same as summer.