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Laid on the Table by the Hon. Mr. Bryce, with leave of the House.

The Undee-Seceetaey, Native Department, to Major Eopata. (Translation.) Feiend, Majoe Eopata,— Native Office, Wellington, Bth April, 1884. Greeting. In consequence of the intention of the Government to reduce the expenditure of the colony, the salary paid to you from the Militia Office and th? Land Purchase Department ceased on the 31st of March last, but Mr. Bryce has been pleased to increase the salary paid to you by this Office from £50 to £100 per annum, which is the amount that you will receive from the Ist of April. You must not feel hurt at this: it is not that the Government have any fault to find with you ; no, but it has been done because they consider that the expenditure of the colony is too great, however, you will understand. From, &c, Te Euihi (T. W. Lewis). Major Eopata Wahawaha, Gisborne, Poverty Bay.

Major Eopata to the Hon. Mr. Beyce. (Translation.) Gisborne, 18th April, 1884. Geeeting. I have received your letter of the Bth of April with respect to the retrenchment in the expenditure of the moneys of the colony, and the reduction of my salary. I have but one word in reply : I will not consent, but you can take it away forcibly. I will not acquiesce, for I have marks of the Queen's favour, which are annulled by what you have done. That is all. Eopata Wahawaha. The Hon. Mr. Bryc*e.

The Undee-Seceetaey, Native Department, to Major Eopata. (Translation.) Majoe Eopata,— Native Office, Wellington, Ist May, 1884. Greeting. The Minister for Native Affairs has seen your letter of the 18th of April, and, as it appears that you are not quite clear about the circumstances under which the amount paid to you has been reduced, Mr. Bryce has directed me to write you this word of explanation. You will remember that, at the close of military operations against Te Kooti, you were appointed as Officer in Charge of the Ngatiporou District, the salary that you then received being £200 per annum, Native matters being then in an unsettled state. Subsequently, in the year 1879, you applied for your salary to be made up to the amount received by Major Kemp, that is, to £400 per annum; and, as Government were making large land-purchases in your district, in which you could be of much service to the Government, you were appointed Land Purchase Officer at £100 per annum. Subsequently, when a general reduction took place in the salaries and pensions paid in this department, your salary as Assessor was reduced to £50 per annum. The position of the matter at present is this : The services for which you were paid salaries from the Militia and Land Purchase Departments having ceased, the salaries have been discontinued by Mr. Bryce, who is head also of those departments; but, in order that you should receive the highest salary paid to any Native Assessor, the amount formerly struck off has been restored. You will therefore see that the Government had no intention of putting any slight upon you ; no, on the contrary, the Minister for Native Affairs, and the Government, have regarded you as a loyal chief and brave officer who has rendered good service to the colony. From, &c, Major Eopata Wahawaha, Gisborne, Poverty Bay. T. W. Lewis (Te Euihi).