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call the attention of the London Post Office authorities to the very unsatisfactory manner in which the service is at present worked, from the causes I have already pointed out. If the present day of despatch from London will not admit of the mails being forwarded by the fastest steamers, I am desirous that it be changed to any other suitable day on which the swiftest steamers leave Liverpool for New York. A Saturday despatch, I now agree with you, would be most inconvenient; but you will of course confer with the Agent-General for New South Wales and the London Post Office before recommending any change. New South Wales, I should inform you, is at present averse to an earlier despatch in the week than Thursday; but, seeing that that colony now mainly relies on the Orient service, I have every reason to hope that the New South Wales Post Office may be prevailed upon to consent to adopt any change which would be likely to secure punctuality in the transmission of our mails by the San Francisco service. I have, &c, Sir F. D. Bell, K.C.M.G., E. Oliver, Agent-General for New Zealand, London. Postmaster-General.

No. 34. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General, London. (Telegram.) Wellington, Ist March, 1884. Frisco mails again behind. Unless faster steamer, Thursday, inquire change day despatch. The Agent-General, London.

No. 35. Sir F. D. Bell to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Sir, — 7, Westminster Chambers, London, S.W., 3rd March, 1884. I duly received your telegram of the Ist instant, of which I annex copy, showing how I have read it. The Agent-General of New South Wales informed the General Post Office and myself on the 23rd February that he had received a telegram from his Government notifying that, " at desire of New Zealand, departure of mail from San Francisco outward had been altered to Saturday;" and I now annex copy of that telegram. Your telegram states that instructions to me are on their way: in the meantime I communicated semi-officially with the Post Office; but I may mention that it is not possible for the Post Office to make sure of having a fast steamer to New York for the Thursday's despatch from London. I have, <fee, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. F. D. Bell.

Enclosure 1 in No. 35. (Telegram.) Frisco mails again behind : unless faster steamer [is employed on] Thursday, inquire [read as "we shall require to"] change day [of] despatch.

Enclosure 2 in No. 35. The Hon. the Premier, Sydney, to the AGent-Geneeal for New South Wales, London. (Telegram.) Sydney, 23rd February, 1884. At desire New Zealand departure mail from Frisco outwards altered to Saturdays. Inform AgentGeneral, New Zealand. Alex. Stuart.

No. 36. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 12th March, 1884. Propose issuing Frisco time-table further six months, with alteration day departure from Frisco recently approved. Eeply. Postmaster-General, Sydney. Postmaster-General, Wellington.

No. 37. The Hon. Mr. Oliver to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 18th March, 1884. Wish issuing Frisco time-table deferred week or tw r o. Expect hear from Agent-General re possibility better time between London and Frisco. E. Oliver, Postmaster-General, Sydney. Postmaster-Genera}.